I discovered how my kids do all of their goofy pictures in Photo Booth on my Mac this morning, and I just had to try it out. Is it cheating to use the computer to take pictures? It’s my project so I guess I can do what I want. :)
Editing to add that my daughter just walked in and rolled her eyes. As she left the room she exclaimed “Oh my gosh, Mom. How old are you???"
Ha. Adults that can still act like a kid are cool in my book. I have always acted that way but now that my daughter is getting older she seems to be a bit more embarassed. Oh well. Nice shot and who cares what our kids think. Lol.
Hey, st op it. You're an adult! You're supposed to be sitting in a chair getting old. Don't invade the "Teenspace". You're not allowed to have fun. Get with the program! You're only job is to go to the store and buy boxes and boxes of Easy Mac, and make sure the Cable bill is paid!
Love it! Keep it up! What they don't know is that the "eye rolling" just fuels us.
Ya know, it is hard enough for me to comment on every image once. Twice, never. Until now, this has got to be one of my favorites. Just because it is a person being a person, enjoying themself. And getting the kids' dander up is priceless. I hope it didn't turn her world upside down! My Dad , when we used to act like that, only had to say "Chicken Little, Chicken Little, the sky is falling", as he would laugh and walk away.
@moncooga Why are we both up so early on 365? Thank you for coming back and commenting again. I’m very flattered that you like it, and I did have a good time doing it. My daughter said I’m acting like I’m 13 again, and I told her I never would have done this and posted it at age 13. I’m 48 now and spend considerably less time worrying about what people think than I did back then.
Love it! Keep it up! What they don't know is that the "eye rolling" just fuels us.