• September 2024

1st Sep 2024 - A closer look
2nd Sep 2024 - Another species in the Proteaceae family
3rd Sep 2024 - A pop of vibrant colour
4th Sep 2024 - Ants seem to love these Pigsears
5th Sep 2024 - Trying to foucus on that darn bee
6th Sep 2024 - The tree is still covered
7th Sep 2024 - Still many blooms on the tree
8th Sep 2024 - Pops of colour
9th Sep 2024 - So many different tones
10th Sep 2024 - Bright and beautiful
11th Sep 2024 - The only time  see them
12th Sep 2024 - Still not fast enough
13th Sep 2024 - As large as my hand
14th Sep 2024 - Fascinating shapes
15th Sep 2024 - Still looking good
16th Sep 2024 - Such a strange looking cone
17th Sep 2024 - Flowers in flowers
18th Sep 2024 - More ants