rated p. g. by lynnz

rated p. g.

We should be having kittens at our house some time soon! I just hope she has them in the house. Being a stray cat who roamed the neighborhood for a long time, she still wants to be outside a lot, but I've been trying to keep her inside more lately. I am really looking forward to having kittens.
Exciting times ahead
February 26th, 2017  
captivating photo...fav!
February 26th, 2017  
Oh my my! I confess I'm hugely jealous that you'll be having kitten activity! Make up a (birthing) bed for her and lace it with catnip. She'll start using it, and hopefully will want it when she's ready to give birth.
February 26th, 2017  
@Weezilou Will do Louise. I will go shopping for a bed tomorrow! We have a box ready, and I put a basket with a soft towel in a closet today where she kept wanting to go in.
February 26th, 2017  
Wow, love it! Fav
February 26th, 2017  
Gorgeous looking cat. Great colours in this image.
February 26th, 2017  
More work for mummy, than. Good luck.
February 26th, 2017  
She is a very pretty puss :)
February 26th, 2017  
cool point of view!
February 26th, 2017  
What beautiful markings, hope she passes on her good looks to her kitties.....
February 26th, 2017  
Beautiful cat, capture, and pov! Hope she does have them in your home or at least very close by. Fav
February 26th, 2017  
Very sweet kittie
February 26th, 2017  
She looks adorable! She may want to have her babies outside in a small hiding spot if she is a stray.
February 26th, 2017  
so sweet, hope you post up some shots of the kittens.
February 26th, 2017  
Awesome picture.
February 26th, 2017  
Such a sweet capture and great colors. How exciting that kittens will be there soon. I hope you will share pictures of them.
February 26th, 2017  
darling capture. Great perspective.
February 26th, 2017  
Super shot, colors
February 26th, 2017  
Great wonky angle and love the colors. Good luck with the kittens!
February 26th, 2017  
Very clever photo, and what a gorgeous cat.
February 26th, 2017  
Great angle and a lovely cat
February 26th, 2017  
I really like this!
February 26th, 2017  
well we know what photos to expect real soon....interesting angle of the photo
February 26th, 2017  
Fantastic capture! Love the light and what a sweet face.
February 26th, 2017  
Such a pretty cat. Hope she has them inside too.
February 26th, 2017  
What a cute cat! Great colors too!
February 26th, 2017  
Love these colors - looking forward to baby kitten shots!
February 27th, 2017  
She may prefer the safety of the indoors- hopefully a safe and successful delivery is ahead. Good shot.
February 27th, 2017  
How exciting — kittens! What wonderful photo opportunities you'll have, as well as the joy of watching little things grow and play. The sun flare's position is perfect considering the special occasion that's soon to happen.
February 27th, 2017  
Awesome image! Good luck with the kittens! :-)
February 28th, 2017  
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