Photography that is. For todays' January word: 'Resolution (label your 2017 resolution in photo title)'.
I'm also using this image for this weeks' 52 week challenge theme, which is: 'Story: Rule of thirds - tell a story using rule of thirds.'
I don't do new year resolutions. Ever. But this year, I have resolved to make more time to learn photography properly. I'm still grappling with the settings on my cameras, the technical stuff, and still relying too much on lazy shots and editing. Never mind that I've had Photoshop and the Nik collection for almost a year now and still haven't really explored them very much.
I don't really want to be a pro photographer - this is more like one big art project to me, but one I'd really like to improve this year...
*Thanks everyone for the comments, fav's & follows, in case I don't get around to responding to each one individually*
Based in Dublin, Ireland, started on...