I seem to have gone from one pic a day to one a month... oops :/
Trying to get back into the swing now that things are a bit more settled with work and stuff. I think I need another month-long challenge to get myself inspired again - any ideas?
*Thanks everyone for the comments, fav's & follows, in case I don't get around to responding to each one individually*
Based in Dublin, Ireland, started on...
Hmm, no ideas. I have been keeping up with once a day, but I seem to have more and more phases of multiple days in a row of very boring photos, so I could use some inspiration too. I'll plan on checking back to see if you get some ideas.
The cauliflower makes for a very interesting photo. I like the white with a touch of green, as well as the textures.
Lovely to have you back, I have missed your shots alot. This one is so interesting with the little green bulbs that I never noticed before. Why not shoot some more veggies from a different view?
The cauliflower makes for a very interesting photo. I like the white with a touch of green, as well as the textures.