Me and the hubs by mariaostrowski

Me and the hubs

Not often I get pictures of the two of us together, although only captured with cellphone, I am grateful to have this shot!
Nice! Yes, I know the problem. Starting now to try and find a time to get a family shot (John and myself, our two dogs) for a Christmas card photo. Have to start now to be sure we get one. I'll either have to set up my tripod and do a self timer -- which, when I run to get in the photo distracts the dogs -- or try and get my son over here to get a photo of us. That sounds easier than said than done too Oh well, start early.
September 13th, 2015  
@aglennc: YES!! I have been thinking since March, "Hey, it's been a year since we had a family picture" ... now ... a year and a half!!
September 14th, 2015  
@mariaostrowski Our kids always complained bitterly when I said the words "family photo".... Now, as adults with their own families, they are saying the same words with the same reaction from their kids.... What goes around comes around. Ha Ha!
September 14th, 2015  
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