I love this! Do you follow @jo13? She had something similar one time she called "pants" as in bloomers I guess. Now whenever I see these blooms I say in my head "Pants!"
@markp Phew! You had me worried there. Yes, just to confirm we have no flowers here called pants, we use the term to say something is rubbish, and on that particular day the pic, of a flower, was total rubbish, hence calling it "pants' !!!!
@markp Mark, I have made a complete fooooool out of myself in my misinterpretation of a lovely photo that Jo called "pants" one day (to her it may have been something bad--she doesn't take bad photos)--I could only make the assumption it must be "bloomers" by the reference to "pants" and this heather does indeed have a bloomer effect to it. Oh. Dear Friends. Please forgive my stupidity but know I always attempt at humor in the end. I will forever be the butt of the joke on this one! Right @jo13? And Mark, I love this flower--love it. But it will forever be called "pants"--but not the bad kind. ;)
@jo13 and @darylo Yes , I know the term "pants" but I do like Daryl's take on it, as in the flowers " blooming nice" to bloomers to pants. Maybe that's how new meanings/ phases originate.