This is a great capture! I actually left a flowering dandelion when weeding last week incase I needed a photo subject! Guess that proves 365 has taken over my life lol
Beautiful shot Mark, the colour is wonderful. Until starting this project I had zero love for dandelions. And now, I can't get over how much beauty I have been missing.
@diananorfolk Thank you Diana, well spotted, I will let you into a little secret, they don't have white bits, it's something the camera did. It was a pig to focus because all I could see was bright yellow and the auto focus was no better. So I played with the settings and got it to focus but it put white bits at the edges. Interesting effect but not natural.
@julie Thank you Julie, no I have not seen one either, the white was put there by the camera. I had played with the settings to help me focus against the yellow and the white appeared as a nice surprise.