This in Bird Watchers parlance is a LBJ, a Little Brown Job, you will see a flash of brown movement disappearing into a thick hedge to vanish forever. Now was that just a Sparrow, or was it the Greater Singing Pied Billed Chestnut Breasted Willow Bunting, a really rare once in a lifetime find, you have travelled the length of the country to try and see ? You will never know, it remains an enigma, a LBJ. No such problems with this, this is a quite common Dunnock ( Prunella modularis) and identifying him was not a problem at all as he seemed quite happy to just sit and pose for me. He sat there for so long I was also able to get some shots in B&W, see link below.
@darylo @beryl @paintdipper @virtualbrownie @jocasta @dh @milaniet @katie_anya @libertylady @carolmw @elinreppe @pflaume @stiggle Thank you all very much for your kind comments and Favs, you have put this on the PP page, thank you again.