This was on the road side of the fence. I didn't know whether to open the small gate and let her back into the field with all the others or not. However she didn't seem bothered by being out on her own. She was very friendly, in fact over friendly !
She came over to me, tried to eat my boots, sleeves and camera !
As I was kneeling down on one knee, she then decided to use me as a rubbing post !
She was rubbing her head, on my knee, then her shoulders. She was pressing very hard, nearly pushing me over. She was trying to rub her whole body against me. Those horns were waving around quite dangerously. Not in an aggressive manner, just because she was being very active.
In the end I had to put the camera behind my back, and with both hands grab those horns and literally wrestle her away. She was surprisingly strong, but in the end got the message and put her head down and started eating grass.