Last night and the night before by mcsiegle

Last night and the night before

On Sunday night, after we finished our family Movie Night and I had driven Dan back to his apartment, I took my camera and tripod to the corner of 11th and Poyntz near my house (I could have walked, but drove around that block and parked in front of the City Hall.) I wanted to try to capture the multiple colors of traffic lights suffused with the purple glow of a defective bulb on a street lamp. I've photographed that on a different street lamp before. One by one these bulbs are going bad, and I wanted to catch this before it was replaced. It's one of the last ones remaining. The next day, I realized I had not really made the best use of the camera and tripod, and went back to use a low ISO and long exposure. I'll sort the results out sometime in the next few days, but in the meantime here's this.
You have some work ahead
October 3rd, 2023  
Looking forward to seeing more.
October 3rd, 2023  
I remember your other purple streetlight photo vaguely. I’ll be interested in seeing what this one results in.
October 3rd, 2023  
Those purple street lights are very strange. Apparently there were Many bulbs put in only to turn purple rather quickly. I had my light changed out and they put one in and I kept thinking gee things look a little yellow. What's wrong with this? I called and duke energy cayman replaced it rather quickly. Look forward to seeing your finished shot.
October 4th, 2023  
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