Not a very good picture but it sums up my day and how I was feeling (at least, the face on the calculator shows how I was feeling :P)
I got up late this morning then did 1.5 hours bio, then did my product design theory homework, then attempted my Physics. Only thing is, I hardly even understand what he has taught us and this particular assignment seems to be on stuff he hasn't taught with a lot of help from Google, I got most of it done, but it still took forever and still isn't finished. I was basically feeling utterly crap, I had a headache and I felt ill. Then, I had to go to my friends fundraiser tonight because she wanted me to take photos, only, the light was bad and everyone was moving fast so none of them have really come out as I don't have the right lens for tha sort of thing, GAH! So, now I'm finally home and utterly exhausted and still not feeling well, every single part of my body aches. I really need to try and relax to go to bed...only I'm completely unable to relax right now for some reason so I might just go to bed.
Take a breath, thinks good thoughts and relax. You will have a better day tomorrow. Have a nice weekend and I think your photo tells the story of your day. Nicely done.