I’m afraid I’ve made the decision to stop taking a photo a day.
The main reason is that I feel uncomfortable by how much of my life is online. I want to use my phone less. I want to live less in the online world and more in the real world. This isn’t helping that. I want to live a more private life and I feel as though living my life through photos rather than through living isn’t always the best thing for me.
I hope you’ll all understand. If anyone wants to know any of my social accounts just shout.
Thank you all for being with me for the past few months xxx
Naomi - ill be sad not to know how you are doing, but I think you are most probably making a wise decision. The project has perhaps served its purpose for you. I know you will continue using all of your creative skills and I hope to see you pop up on twitter every so often so that I can see you are still out there and active. it has been lovely to get to know you a little, and I am sure that your positivity and determination is going to take you far. All the very best. x
I certainly understand your motivation and logic. I hope you drop by every once in a while, maybe just to let us see what you and Lucky are up to. I wish you great luck and happiness!
It will be a shame not to hear from you but keep up the photography for your own sake. Helps you see life with another view. Good luck and take good care.
I'll miss seeing that adorable face of yours, but I understand and support your decision! I've tried to cut down on my computer time. I don't stay on Facebook much lately (and just can't get the hang of Twitter) but if you ever want to look me up, my account is under Linda Loftin. Would love to hear how you're doing - sending good thoughts and prayers your way, as always ♥