'Get onboard a fast train, Travel on a jet plane, far away, And breakaway'
He splashed to his door and looked out... 'This is Serious' said Pooh. 'I must have an Escape.' So he took his largest pot of honey and escaped with it to a broad branch of his tree, well above the water, and then he climbed down again and escaped with another pot...and when the whole Escape was finished, there was Pooh sitting on his branch, dangling his legs, and there, beside him, where ten pots of honey... Two days later, there was Pooh, sitting on his branch, dangling his legs, and there beside him, were four pots of honey. Three days later, there was Pooh, sitting on his branch, dangling his legs, and there beside him was one pot of honey. Four days later, there was Pooh...
My Dad and I were not having a good morning. It was one thing after another not going right. I haven't got nearly as much done as I wanted to today. It's very frustrating.
(I've always liked these original "Pooh" drawings better than Disney's version!)