Mum used to have a plaque similar to this in her office. When she was in hospital, we moved it into her room, but somewhere between her being ill and dying, we lost it.
Monthsssss ago I posted on my personal insta (after much fruitless googling) asking anyone if they knew where I could get a replica.
Today I received some post from someone who I only know through that account. Amongst some super lovely gifts, was this plaque which she has handmade for me!!!
I just can’t get over how lovely it is. This little plaque will be travelling to my office with me on Monday. Life’s to short for crises!
How nice! Just when you think the world is full of rude and inconsiderate people, someone steps forward and restores your hope in humanity again. What a great gift!
@pyrrhula thank you :)
@olivetreeann absolutely. People can be wonderful
@kjarn it really is
@rosiekind absolutely - people can be amazing
@bkbinthecity thank you :)
@craftymeg absolutely x