I think somebody up there is putting up the Christmas decorations!
This was the sky this afternoon after 2 days of rain! OK, and a little saturation and contrast but it was still amazing! ;D
Falling a little short on the comments the past couple days, sorry! I'll catch up tomorrow! :)
I dislike the fact that when you upload your pictures, I'm fast asleep cause of the time difference so I don't comment on them quick enough. All I can say is wow, this is breathtaking. Like I've said alot of times, you're just awesome.
The thing that reached me in this photo is how big that sky is compared to the city below. The dramatic sky is fabulous, but this photo also tells a story in a way that collided with my thoughts of how to pull off Christmas in our usual fashion with a much smaller budget. It was exactly what I needed to see tonight, Jerry! The big picture...Thank you!
@lauriehiggins I love how your mind works, Laurie! I am also trying to pull off Christmas with a smaller budget this year! You have given me inspiration! Thank you, Laurie!
@klemieux I was on a hill that over looks the outside of town! Thanks for asking, Ken, I feel so much better! Luckily it was one of those quick recoveries! :)
There is nothing better than after a long day coming home and reading all of your great comments! Thank you so much, all of you, for taking the time to comment! You are the best! I have a fun Idea for all of us but it must wait until the weekend! Have a good night all! :)