The key to a lot of self confidence and peace in my life has been finding the flylady site. She sends out free emails advising you of babysteps to a clean home and a peaceful self-loving attitude. Her only income from it is if you order some of the tools she offers, but no pressure and she encourages you to use what you have even if you never buy from her. Since the word was Drink for the sep13words challenge and her thing for heath is move a nd drink your water, I thought I'd show her water bottle, because it truly has made a huge difference in my drinking, no soda anymore, just water that stays cold even in triple digit water because this waterbottle has double layered walls and insulates, it also never sweats so I even carry it in my purse with no worries and it has two lids, one to a spout and one large enough to admit ice cubes. It also keeps hot things hot so I have one for my coffee and tea as well.
I have looked at the flylady site in the past but I am really hopeless at anything domestic and it just made me feel inadequate! But look at your gorgeous room there, I adore the colour of your décor. Fabulous! The bottle is a great idea and also really good for the word of the day! Cheers!
Sounds like a good site. I know I need to drink more water. I just have to remember to do it! Good for you on exchanging the soda for water. That's not easy to do, but it's so good for you.