From a post by John Pavlovitz that I found inspiring
Most children learn very early in life that they have two voices.
One voice is meant for the inside. It is low and soft and measured. It is sweet and non-threatening. When they feel safe and secure they use this voice. When quiet is helpful they use this voice. When disturbance is unwelcome they use this voice. When they do not want to make a scene they use this voice. It has its purpose and its place.
But children know there is another voice, and it is one not meant to be held behind doors or within walls or beneath roofs. It is the full-throated siren they engage when there is danger. It is the mighty shout they raise when they are afraid. It is the shimmering song that erupts when the joy within them cannot be contained. It is the furious sound that comes from the deepest recesses of their souls to chase away the monsters. It is the audacious, scandalous, disruptive noise that not even the sky can contain.