It's been forever since I last posted so I thought I would pop in some of my favorite images from the last few weeks.
This has to be one of the prettiest sunsets I have ever captured. I took the photo on a family road trip to Salt Lake City. We were driving past the Great Salt Lake as sunset was nearing. The sky looked promising for a colorful close to the day so I begged my family to stop for a photo. We had barely found our way to the edge of the water when the sky lit up with glorious color. I grabbed my camera and dashed for a shot. As I was busy shooting away, mosquitos swarmed me. My sweet husband tried to swat them away as I photographed but I was still eaten alive. Bites all over my face, lips - one swelled up to the size of a goose egg! I was a sight the next day! Talk about suffering for one's art!
For those of you going strong on your 365 project, congratulations! You are nearing the home stretch... just a few more weeks to go! Can't wait to see what you have been up to!
Awesome sunset and I'm so glad you stopped in, Lisa. Sorry about the mosquito bites. I agree, what we won't do to get the perfect shot. This is an instant Fav!
Stunning colours Lisa, sunsets are just so magical you have to reach for the camera. I know what it's like to get a reaction to a mozzie bite as I am very allergic to them. Have you tried dabbing yourself with Lavendar oil before you venture out?
@bella_ss I'm so glad you found me on Flickr. I will follow back. I am still learning how it works, but it's a nice no stress way to post. I have found I just can't commit to the daily posting & commenting on 365 currently although I miss this site when I'm gone too long! I have played with the idea at another 365 project in 2015... we shall see. What about you? Are you going to stay on after your year ends? Thank you for the comments!
@pflaume I don't want to finish completely but I might drop back to just doing challenges, at the moment it's a huge commitment and things will only get busier for me with a new grandchild due in December. I figure I will help out a little for a while. I'm still not sure how Flickr really works either, other than the obvious, there are so many different groups there.
I hope those bites didn't itch too much!!