Rock Art  by radiogirl

Rock Art

While out for a walk, I was fascinated by the textures and design in the boulders hidden under the snow.

Thanks so much for the lovely comments and favs on yesterday's year end slideshow, I really appreciate it!
Looks like a miniature world. Well spotted.
January 10th, 2018  
I like Sally's idea of a miniature world. It is very cool. And very well spotted. I think I would have walked right on by it :o
January 10th, 2018  
This is cool, looks amazing
January 10th, 2018  
You should keep it, it’s a masterpiece from Mother N👍
January 10th, 2018  
Nice capture. It really draws you in to check out those textures.
January 10th, 2018  
Cool shot. I love the textures..
January 10th, 2018  
@joemuli Actually this is only showing a small portion of a boulder so no, I could never move this!! Mother Nature did a good job!! Thanks for stopping by.:)
January 10th, 2018  
Love the textures against the white snow.
January 10th, 2018  
Great find and capture...neat textures
January 10th, 2018  
That's quite a conglomerate. Even looks like a coin embedded in there.
January 10th, 2018  
i had to look at this real close before i could figure out. interesting shot, Kathy. aces!
January 10th, 2018  
Best seen on black background
January 10th, 2018  
What great textures in this, a really intriguing shot, fav. Looking forward to following your new project.
January 10th, 2018  
This is cool
January 10th, 2018  
January 10th, 2018  
A geologist would love to examine this boulder. Great capture and find!
January 11th, 2018  
Cool textures!
January 11th, 2018  
Great find and capture!
January 11th, 2018  
Love it!
January 11th, 2018  
Marvelous textures, tones, and the little tree
January 11th, 2018  
Cool capture!
January 11th, 2018  
Most interesting capture. The flower in the foreground almost looks as if it's been added to the photograph. Lovely.
January 11th, 2018  
Great find and textures. Most probably you would have missed this if there were no snow. Thanks for the follow. I checked out my list and have found out that I haven't been following you either, even though I see your daily pictures. Now I am following you, too.
January 11th, 2018  
Always amazes me how a subject can be right under your nose and you only see it by chance - well spotted!
January 11th, 2018  
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