• January 2018

1st Jan 2018 - First meal
2nd Jan 2018 - The one that got away
3rd Jan 2018 - EXTRA! EXTRA!
4th Jan 2018 - Pink Poinsettia
5th Jan 2018 - Get Pushed Challenge 284Chrismtas light
6th Jan 2018 - Tomato Vine
7th Jan 2018 - Scissors
8th Jan 2018 - The flashlight
9th Jan 2018 - Train
10th Jan 2018 - Socks from mittens
11th Jan 2018 - packing_365
12th Jan 2018 - Tulips' glow
13th Jan 2018 - Nuts!
14th Jan 2018 - Here's lookin' at you, babe
15th Jan 2018 - G'Morning, Bluebird
16th Jan 2018 - Broken
17th Jan 2018 - Snow on tulips
18th Jan 2018 - Scalloped petal
19th Jan 2018 - This is the end
20th Jan 2018 - Snowing on trees and shed
21st Jan 2018 - Hung up
23rd Jan 2018 - A Winter Twilight
24th Jan 2018 - It's a good night for...
25th Jan 2018 - A safe haven
26th Jan 2018 - Need some oil for those tools?
27th Jan 2018 - Fiber
28th Jan 2018 - In your face color
29th Jan 2018 - Fibrous Diamonds
30th Jan 2018 - Potted plants (freelensing)
31st Jan 2018 - What do I photograph tonight?