• September 2011

1st Sep 2011 - The Thinker (Pub Version)
2nd Sep 2011 - Cuba Cab
3rd Sep 2011 - The Lady of Bedford Street
4th Sep 2011 - Dudes #2
5th Sep 2011 - Waiting For Green
6th Sep 2011 - 33a Fournier Street
7th Sep 2011 - Loneliness of the Orange Juice Vendor
8th Sep 2011 - Loneliness of the Superburger Server
9th Sep 2011 - Doggy Bag
10th Sep 2011 - The London Look #5
11th Sep 2011 - Banana Shirt, Gorilla #48
12th Sep 2011 - It's All About The Wall...
13th Sep 2011 - Reflecting
14th Sep 2011 - Ultimate Extreme
15th Sep 2011 - When I'm In The Crowd I Don't See Anything...
16th Sep 2011 - Spex In The City
17th Sep 2011 - Bench Life 365
18th Sep 2011 - More Rain Walking
19th Sep 2011 - WTF #2 or, Dudes #3
20th Sep 2011 - Smile, You're On Candid Camera...
21st Sep 2011 - Psst...Psst, Over Here. C'mon, Somebody Use Me...Anybody, Please?
22nd Sep 2011 - Jelly Baby Family
23rd Sep 2011 - Girl On The Phone...
24th Sep 2011 - Smokers
25th Sep 2011 - Untitled #155
26th Sep 2011 - Tip Top
27th Sep 2011 - To All The 57 Lovers Out There, You Know Who You Are...
28th Sep 2011 - Monkey Gone (To Heaven?)
29th Sep 2011 - Westminster Dogs
30th Sep 2011 - Bunches