Torrential and hail an rain this morning but just as I was about to leave the house for school, the weather suddenly turned and I had the most beautiful journey with a clear blue sky, gorgeous autumn colours and sparling rain drops everywhere!
@suesouthwood I don't know, it's outside a house I pass on my way to school and I've been wondering what it is too. I've never seen properly purple berries anywhere else! I will let you know if I find out what it is!
I think this is a Calicarpa (Callicarpa giraldii). In my language they are called Liebesperlenstrauch. Love-Pearls-Bush. Beautiful picture and sparkle.
Thank you! I've looked it up and agree. It's common name here seems to be 'Beauty Berry'!
@suesouthwood I think Mona has identified the plant - Calicarpa.