One evening, after a Mets game, I was really thirsty while waiting for a connecting train, and noticed the Strawberry Dasani in the case. I tried it, and really liked it. And, as you know from prior Weight Watchers-related photos that I've taken, finding a zero-calorie treat is something that makes me very happy.
The problem was that I couldn't find it where I live, which is smack dab between New York and Philadelphia, but more the Philly food distribution market.
Several months ago I discovered the Strawberry Dasani was sold at the bagel place near the nail salon, so I'd pick one up as a pre-manicure treat. But I still wanted to be able to have a supply at home.
So I spoke to the store manager at McCaffrey's, my local supermarket (it's a chain with three stores, one of which is very close to my house), and he said that he'd order it for me. From the school of no good deed going unpunished, he apparently had to jump through several hoops in order to be able to get the supplier to send the flavored water to the store. But he persevered, and when I went in yesterday to do some shopping he told me that they finally had it on the shelves.
Obviously I bought several of them. G-d knows when they'll be able to get it back. But for now, I have a supply of my flavored water of choice :)
Love flavored water as well, have you tried the powders that you add?? Most of them are zero or 5 calories, just a thought. By the way, I really like the lighting in this.
Yes - worth the search :)
I haven't tried the powders yet - I'll keep that in mind.
And thanks :)