Day 299 - Scraping The Barrel At UFC, Manchester by stevecameras

Day 299 - Scraping The Barrel At UFC, Manchester

This shot was taken on my mobile phone. An old and relatively ancient iPhone 3GS so the quality is poor. But this was transmission day at the Ultimate Fighting Championship in Manchester earlier this year. I was supervising and although it was a great day, I didn't get the chance to take my camera out for a proper shot. And while I was about to go and get my dinner break (which only lasted 10 minutes instead of the full hour available to everyone - that's what happens when you're in charge!) I thought of 365 and took this on my phone. A shot of the cage itself. You can see a man crouching to the left side of the cage, and that's where I spent the evening working on a small metal box, operating a camera for each fight.

Still at least it's a shot of that day.
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