Gizza kiss by stevejacob

Gizza kiss

Sorry for the bulk upload. I did have a good morning in the field this morning but I'm now having to stand to get a good sighting over the growing crops.
There's a little clear patch in the middle of the field but high crops all around so I'm creeping as close as I dear using the tractor tracks and the slowly getting to a height to grab a shot or two
Very cute
June 22nd, 2023  
So adorable!
June 22nd, 2023  
Great timing. Fav.
June 22nd, 2023  
what a shot!
June 22nd, 2023  
Well spotted and captured.
June 22nd, 2023  
Nice capture. They have such expressive ears.
June 22nd, 2023  
Great timing!
June 22nd, 2023  
So cute!
June 23rd, 2023  
Great shot.
June 23rd, 2023  
Love this
June 24th, 2023  
So cute.Fav😊
June 27th, 2023  
Awesome capture fv!
December 24th, 2023  
Wonderful capture!
June 18th, 2024  
Wonderful shot!
June 24th, 2024  
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