The world is turning upside down by susale

The world is turning upside down

I was drawn to this shot, so have to listen to my instincts here.

I thank you all warmly for your support, there are some wonderful people here! I feel like I´m sharing too much personal info thou, and this project is turnig into therapy session ;), so I wanted to delete all my previous descriptions.
Looks like it is a beautiful day though! Sorry Susale....remember life is to be happy! :). Have a better one!
April 6th, 2013  
@nanderson Thank you so much Nancy, and yes life will be good again and I´ll survive, I´m just feeling pretty stressfull now but tomorrow is another day, hopefully better.
April 6th, 2013  
interesting angle and POV! and i understand how you feel! just keep faith in yourself and i hope everything will be allright with you.
April 6th, 2013  
I love the colours here, and the juxtaposition of lamp, plane and buildings - again it's an abstract that works well.

On your personal crises I've always found it useful to listen to what is my "gut" feeling - when I've done things that go against this instinct they've turned out to be wrong. I think you probably know deep inside what the answer to your problem is, you just don't necessarily want to go with it. Try to listen to that inner voice - and be kind to yourself - don't beat yourself up.
April 6th, 2013  
@wind_of_the_sothern_sea Thank you so much Arefin, it´s really not bad, I´m just a bit stressed right now.
April 6th, 2013  
@exidia Thank you Fiona, you´re right, I pretty much do know what I have to do but still it is not easy, but these kind of things never are.
April 6th, 2013  
aww sorry to hear that you are stressed, i really hope u find the path u wish to take. To me it sounds like you are caught between two big things in life, and you fear taking a risk because it will have a big impact on your life. As someone who tends to be indecisive i know how it feels. You should go with your gut instinct and basically go with what makes you happy..remember we have one life...:-) Either way i hope it turns out well for u
April 7th, 2013  
@demmie Oh Dem Mie, I´m just so touched, you really are a very sweet person. I really do appreciate your comment, thank you so much. You really got it right, that is excatly what´s going on with me. I know, I really should listen to my gut instict and go with it but I´m pretty bad at taking risks cos I tend over think everything, so I know that whether I chooce this or that I´ll always will be second- guessing and I really do hate that. It really is not a easy job being me.
April 7th, 2013  
That's some blue sky! Interesting POV :) like the geometric shapes too.
April 7th, 2013  
@adamj Thank you so much Adam :)
April 7th, 2013  
It is as if the jet has propelled from the pole:)
All will be fine in time, you are smart:)
April 7th, 2013  
@eu4ria1 Thank you so much Ria, I appreaciate your kind words. Yes, I kinda think so too, about the jet I mean:)
April 7th, 2013  
Nice composition to make a great shot.
April 7th, 2013  
@johnfalconer Thank you so much John
April 7th, 2013  
The jet is tied to the lamp post and can't get loose, tilting your world instead. I like that :) Sooo, metaphorically speaking, maybe you should let that lamp post go and get your horizons straight again ? That sounded cool, but didn't make any sense, right ? ;-)
April 7th, 2013  
@janim Thank you Jani, That´s a pretty good interpretation and it does make a lot of sense actually, metaphorically speaking. Yes I believe I should do just that.
April 7th, 2013  
@mercuria Thank you so much Ariel, I`m very impressed about your psychological insight, it´s actually pretty interesting poit that everything is pointing left cos originally this shot was taken so that everything was pointing right and I felt the urge to rotate it the other way. (It was the only thing I did do to this shot actually). I´m sorry, I think I accidently deleted your comment while triyng to reply :( But I thank you so much for your support and you´re right, it´s my own decision and nobody can make it for me. I´ve pretty much made up my mind already.
April 7th, 2013  
@susale Not to worry... there is quite a lot to read in this photo and I didn't want to say too much so I deleted the comment, but thank you. Yes, sometimes the decision has already been made at some level and just needs to be consciously realized. All the best!
April 7th, 2013  
i like the look of this one
April 7th, 2013  
@corley Thank you so much Corley
April 7th, 2013  
Clever composition and angle, a good take. My first go at a 365, I also got very personal with my posts so don't feel bad. We spend so much time here, it's inevitable. Just do what feels right for you.
April 7th, 2013  
@nadines Thank you so much Nadine for your kind words.
April 7th, 2013  
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