Boys and their toys by tunia

Boys and their toys

An interesting line of tractors are they protesting or at a farming event ?
September 11th, 2023  
Rural America at its best!
September 11th, 2023  
What a fun parade of farm equipment.
September 11th, 2023  
Super rural image.
September 11th, 2023  
Fun capture
September 11th, 2023  
Nice big toys!
September 11th, 2023  
A tractor parade! If I’m not mistaken, though, there are lots of girls on those tractors as well. I like the composition of this photo.
September 11th, 2023  
@Dawn It was a parade of old tractors at an antique show. Thanks for your comments.
September 11th, 2023  
Super Americana capture...Love Old Glory
September 11th, 2023  
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