No mow May 4 by wakelys

No mow May 4

The lesser celandine or pilewort. I have always known these as celandines but not heard of pilewort before.
They are beautiful, I have never seen them before. You're finding and capturing some lovely little flowers.
May 4th, 2023  
I've only known them as celandines too - beautiful focus
May 4th, 2023  
So so beautiful!
May 4th, 2023  
Great focus and capture.
May 4th, 2023  
Pretty yellow blooms!
May 4th, 2023  
Perhaps they had a medicinal role in olden times???
May 4th, 2023  
nice one :)
May 4th, 2023  
I am just impressed with your knowledge of so many wildflowers! That, and your ability to capture them so well in pictures would work perfectly in a botanical book
May 4th, 2023  
Lovely capture - I’ve not seen these before
May 4th, 2023  
What a beautiful flower
May 4th, 2023  
Love this image
May 4th, 2023  
Super focus and nice DOF.
May 4th, 2023  
Lovely - great dof.
May 4th, 2023  
@30pics4jackiesdiamond Pilewort - the clue is in the word and Google has confirmed it.
May 4th, 2023  
May 4th, 2023  
Another beauty and, it seems a huge relief for some in the olden days then.
May 4th, 2023  
Beautiful capture. I always find these so difficult to do justice to, but you’ve managed it perfectly.
May 4th, 2023  
A very pretty flower.
May 4th, 2023  
Great composition and DOF
May 4th, 2023  
Lovely yellow, very nicely focussed.
May 4th, 2023  
Pretty little flowers!
May 4th, 2023  
hello girls. So pretty
May 4th, 2023  
Very pretty!
May 4th, 2023  
I like the shiny leaves, much like what we call a buttercup, also a wildflower.
May 5th, 2023  
I love the comp and the colors. Beautiful capture. Somehow celandine sounds a lot nicer than pilewort.
May 5th, 2023  
These are smiles on stalks, love 'em
May 5th, 2023  
@randystreat yes very similar to a buttercup. I will try and capture one or two later in the month.
May 5th, 2023  
They are so pretty!
May 5th, 2023  
Lovely! I only know them from Cicely Mary Barker, haha.

Before the hawthorn leaves unfold,
Or buttercups put forth their gold,
By every sunny footpath shine
The stars of Lesser Celandine.
May 6th, 2023  
A lovely splash of colour. Great shot.
May 6th, 2023  
@princessicajessica a great verse.
May 6th, 2023  
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