what librarians do on snow days by wiesnerbeth

what librarians do on snow days

Enjoy! We are bone dry here. Over 90 days with no recorded rain or snow. I don’t think we will get many snow days this year!

I read a book about a floating book store in Italy this summer. It said the librarian or bookseller is a pharmacist who prescribes books to sooth the needs of those who come in.
January 5th, 2018  
@laurielizard 90 days without rain or snow?! Wow! We only got about an inch of snow but we were off today too because it is bitterly cold (this is the thing I like most about living in Virginia— the people here are weather wimps!). On the other hand I think I might like working in a floating library/bookstore (if only I didn’t get seasick)! My book was about a librarian that drove a bookmobile, which is how we got books when I was in Catholic school in Ohio.
January 5th, 2018  
Nice way to spend a snow day! I noticed the same thing in Virginia when I went to college there after growing up in New Jersey. But it sure was nice to get a snow day now and then.
January 9th, 2018  
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