my “garden” by wiesnerbeth

my “garden”

Came back from my vacation and my plants were all still alive. Major miracle. Look at the plants, not the weeds (someone else takes care of that — and not very well I might add).
Pretty! I like the containers.
July 12th, 2022  
@eudora My kids gave me the white “washstand” planter for Mother’s Day. I love flowers, but I’ve never had a garden before. Got the other bucket from my sister. I’m trying to grow a native rhododendron that my mom dug up.
July 12th, 2022  
@wiesnerbeth would that be a pilfered rhododendron? Ha Ha! Love your garden!
July 14th, 2022  
@margonaut it is most definitely a pilfered rhododendron. I didn’t stop her from pulling it up out of a public garden because I really wanted it. She wanted me to pull the car around so she could hop out and pull it up. When I nixed that plan (busy, narrow road, no place to pull over, lots of neighbors across the street, etc., etc.), she stuffed it under her sweatshirt and hobbled to the car because “it was itchy.” I hope I can keep it alive just so I can tell the story. The first day home with it it was 25 degrees hotter than it’s homeland. The next day it rained so hard that it almost drowned. She dug up two though, so eventually I guess I can steal the one from her yard if mine doesn’t make it.
July 14th, 2022  
oh my goodness, I'm laughing so hard! What a great story!
July 14th, 2022  
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