I made four of these deep dish pizzas from scratch today, and with God, and my freezer as my witnesses, I swear I only ate one slice!
(Two cheese, and two pepperoni, red pepper, and artichoke)
They look delicious. I'm very impressed that you made them all the way from scratch. I like to make my own personal pizzas for dinner; it's fun since each person chooses what the toppings they want, and they taste much better. Enjoy them... one by one.
@maggiemae There was a time I could have eaten all four and not gained an ounce. My son's slice was rectangular alas mine was a lonely little wedge! @jesspowers Depending on how late I get home from work tomorrow it might be my next pic, lol
@anazad511 Thanks, I love cooking and eating but I'm down 5 pounds since the new year so I'm freezing everything so I'm not tempted. BBQ beef is on the agenda for tomorrow
@jesspowers Depending on how late I get home from work tomorrow it might be my next pic, lol