Rescued Shot from Cherry Springs PA Dark Skies National Park by bernicrumb

Rescued Shot from Cherry Springs PA Dark Skies National Park

On August 20, 2023, my family and I checked off an item on my bucket list: To go to a Dark Skies Park and take photos of the Milky Way. I took almost 200 shots that night, and was giddy with the thought of posting my best shot here at 365. When I looked at the shots on the LCD screen of the camera as we drove back to where we were staying, I knew exactly which one I would share.

Then disaster struck. The next day, when I inserted the SD card into the card reader, a window popped up in file manager saying that the computer couldn't read the card due to something being corrupted and I should reformat it. Horrified, I immediately closed the pop-up, and put the SD card back in its case, hoping that I could find someone who might be able to save the photos I'd taken. I cried more times than I'd like to admit over my lost images.

When we got home, I couldn't find the SD case in my camera bag. It went missing until the end of April, 2024, when I found it in a deep pocket in the purse that I used on that trip and hadn't used since. I gave the chip to my brother-in-law who has expertise with rescuing "lost" files, and tonight he and my sister hooked up an external hard drive to my computer and transferred the contents of the corrupted chip to my computer.

This is the photo that I had planned to share 10 months ago. I think it was worth the wait!
A shooting star and beautiful star filled sky. Well done for rescuing
June 12th, 2024  
That is such a great story Berni! I had some similar ones- but not as traumatic as losing bucket list shots like this. Sooo glad your brother-in-law was able to save the day. Yes, definitely worth the wait- and worth a fav!
June 13th, 2024  
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