This is my very dear friend, BJ, whom I met about 3 1/2 years ago when we were volunteering with an organization called LOVE, Inc. At that time she was receiving twice a month food boxes from our local food bank and needed someone to deliver them to her... While we are no longer serving her in that capacity, this special lady has become a much-beloved friend! She will turn 85 years old this month and has lived here in our community since she was 23! She is known for her tireless dedication over the years to rescuing dogs and working in conjunction with our local animal shelter. She enjoys jigsaw puzzles and can quote long passages of poetry she learned as a much younger person! I love her to pieces! She is my proud submission to the Local Wonders challenge for today: local person
@sansjuan Thanks, Nita! I am so blessed to have this lady in my life! She is currently battling bladder cancer but keeps a positive outlook! I am praying the Lord sustains her for a good long time to come!