Brought my mum some flowers along with her birthday presents, wine, cheesecake and some of the gravadlax I'd made. Her birthday's actually tomorrow but she opened her presents today as we were there.
Busy day and I was very tired. Hadn't been able to get to sleep nor stay sleeping much in the night with major fits of worrying. Used my worry time to try and focus worries into actions but still felt fretful after and for a good part of the day. Will I ever be free of this?
Took more lateral flow tests. Bagels for brunch. And finally .. I managed to pack away all the Christmas decorations. Drove to mum's with her stuff and stayed a couple of hours eating cake and fixing the odd thing she needed.
Finally phoned my sisters and discussed flat bathroom options. And prepared a huge root vegetable tray bake. Around the World in 80 Days later.
Saying a prayer for you.