The plane leaves have started to fall in the parks - not sure if the hot weather has speeded that up.
In the office, and again no one in from my team and relatively quiet because of the train strike.
Dave was going to be out this eve with old school friends, so I decided to go to a prom. We used to go all the time, but haven't been for years. A programme of Sibelius, Beethoven and Nielsen sounded promising, so I booked a ticket.
3 good things
1. There's a secret planted garden in one of the back streets near work with a huge yellow raspberry bush pushing its fruit through the railings - a nice treat on the way in.
2. J and M from the intranet team were in the office and we had a good old gossip over lunch in the canteen.
3. Nielsen's 'Inextinguishable' symphony 4 was very exciting especially the duelling timpani at the end. Also Sibelius's 7th and a Beethoven piano concerto. And a relatively well-behaved and non-coughy audience.