which picture?

February 17th, 2012
hey everyone, I have a problem, and I could use some critique if anyone is willing to help...
I'm going to submit ONE of my pieces for a competition, and I'm not sure which one. I'm thinking about these, but I can't seem to decide. its an open topic but we have to keep texture, symmetry, lines, patterns, and depth of field in mind. Also if you want to go through my album and select one you like, that would be wonderful. I want to thank everyone in advance already! it means a lot!






February 17th, 2012
I think 4 is great!
February 17th, 2012
4 for me!
February 17th, 2012
I'm diggin' #2!
February 17th, 2012
I think 3 and 4 are the strongest
February 17th, 2012
I like 2,3, and 4 But if I must pick one it would be 2
February 17th, 2012
I like #5. Really tells a story and there is a certain moodiness to it. The leading line of the bridge brings your eye right to the surfer as she ends her day. And the background reinforces the end of day. I think there is enough texture in the boardwalk (bridge?) and ocean.
February 17th, 2012
I say #2, or #4. Great images!
February 17th, 2012
@httpgeffed @mariboo @msk1p2 @dieter @tigerdreamer @burningjello thank you all for your help!

@mikehamm thank you, I like what you say about it telling a story!
February 17th, 2012
i love # 1 but would make only one change to it. get rid of the ship.
February 17th, 2012
They are all good- but if you're looking for texture, symmetry, lines, patterns and depth of field, #4 comes closest to that for me. It has the most of all those components in my opinion.
February 17th, 2012
I'd go with #4. It's not usually my type, but it works!
February 17th, 2012
@olivetreeann said it well; I'd use 4 too
February 17th, 2012
@grecican @echoia @reba @olivetreeann thank you all for your input!
everyone is so helpful here!
February 17th, 2012
February 17th, 2012
February 17th, 2012
my vote is 4 or 5
February 17th, 2012
I like 1 or 4! I think the composition of 1 is so intriguing.
February 17th, 2012
1 or 4, although for a competition I think 4 might be stronger.
February 17th, 2012
February 17th, 2012
February 17th, 2012
1 or 4!!
February 17th, 2012
February 17th, 2012
February 17th, 2012
February 17th, 2012
Whichever one you choose, you will do great in the contest. Beautiful work.
February 17th, 2012
4 - the colors are awesome!
February 17th, 2012
1, 4, 5 in no particular order
February 17th, 2012
Wow! They are all so great!! My personal Fav is #2. Going to follow you. You're fabulous!
February 17th, 2012
February 17th, 2012
February 17th, 2012
i love number 1 - i would totally have that up on my wall!
February 17th, 2012
February 17th, 2012
I like 2 best!
February 17th, 2012
Number 5 is my favourite :)
February 17th, 2012
I like 1 and 5 ♥
February 17th, 2012
i love the colour change in 1. looks amazing
February 17th, 2012
February 17th, 2012
4 and 5 are great!
February 17th, 2012
and good luck!
February 17th, 2012
I like #4 most, it's very striking
February 17th, 2012
4 caught my eye
February 17th, 2012
3, or 4 but without the plastic chair? behind the wall, The colours and composition are super! : )

Just looked at your profile 15!! You are amazing!! : ))
February 17th, 2012
I like 1 and 5, though one does look like an advertisement for a cruise line. Beautifull even if it is an ad!
February 17th, 2012
Oh it's a toughy. I really like number 4
February 17th, 2012
I love #4!
February 17th, 2012
4 or 5.
Certainly not 1.
And I suggest that you remove your logo.
February 18th, 2012
@mikew @jester @amers79 @miley89 @ptowncook @lorraineb @mjmama @pixxy @izzymathie @parisouailleurs @joannebradbury @bluebell @tamsg4 @raggleroo @smevvy @lynne3804 thank you all for the input!

@danacarruthers thank you for the follow!

I think I'm either going to use 4 or 5!
February 18th, 2012
I love 4, the colours are fab.
February 18th, 2012
Out of just 4 or 5, defo 4 ;)
February 18th, 2012
@newbie @tamsg4 alright thanks :)
February 18th, 2012
I like #4 too...beautiful colors! I'm definitely a beginner and don't usually give my opinion; but if it were mine, I think I would straighten it a little. :)
February 18th, 2012
@tryeveryday It was the road that went downhill a little, other ways it will make the walls cricket if thats what you mean? thank you though!
February 18th, 2012
#1 has way too much sky..the judges may not like it...#2 is an excellent shot but some parts of the pelican are too dark #3 is OK but hard to tell what it is ...#4 is the best shot, nice colors nice composition...pick this shot...#5 is beautiful but some judges may think its too centered...#6 OK noting spectacular,, go for #4
February 19th, 2012
I love the first one - others say it has too much sky but I think it creates the perfect effect.
February 20th, 2012
February 20th, 2012
@maggotx thank you, I like how you said something about every picture, helps me see why to chose 4 :)

@katiebecca @katsamste thanks for your input :)
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