I want to see Peoples favorite Long Exposures that they have taken

August 18th, 2011

Here are a couple of mine!

So lets see em!
August 18th, 2011

August 18th, 2011

We shut off all the lights and the boys asked to play with glow sticks and their mini leds. I told them to jump around and go crazy while I took pictures. I wanted to try painting with light. Somehow my 7 year old made two pictures in his playing. The first was the bottom where it looks to me like an eggplant and an apple. He had two glow sticks in each hand and was just waving them around. The second picture had the "&" and a squiggly. So last night the hubby showed me how to copy and paste the "&" into the other picture and I just added the text. I am just amazed at how this came out! I couldn't have done it without my son's crazy creativity!!
August 18th, 2011
@indiannie_jones Do you have a remote so you can do a longer exposure than 30 sec?? The reason why i am wondering is cuz i have found when doing pics like this of water if you set your ISO to 100 and then Your appeture to like 18 or higher you can actually make the water look glassy smooth no matter how choppy it is with a 1-2 minute exposure :-D
August 18th, 2011
I've few but here's a couple that I like...

August 18th, 2011

August 18th, 2011
@cvanheel I do have a remote - I did some the other night with 1 min exposures.

This was only 15 secs

August 18th, 2011
August 18th, 2011

August 18th, 2011
I really need a tripod to do some more, but here are a couple I took with my camera on a rock..

August 18th, 2011
I took all of these at the start of my project in October last year - and haven't done any since, I need to revisit this again!

August 18th, 2011
I have a waterfall one that I love, but I just can't get over the colors in this one

August 18th, 2011

August 18th, 2011
Go check out this photographer's page....great photo!!
August 18th, 2011
Thanks Kim for the mention! I like this one too!
August 18th, 2011
@sbothers @cfitzgerald Fair Long exposures are always soooo cool!! i did some a couple months ago and some of my all time favs came from that night
August 18th, 2011
This is probably my favourite of the ones I've done, a 10 minute exposure, in a graveyard in the dark...

Or there's this for something a little different:
August 18th, 2011
Balanced on a railing - wish I'd had my tripod!

August 18th, 2011
My post yesterday! :D

August 18th, 2011
August 18th, 2011
August 18th, 2011

August 18th, 2011
@triciaanddazzle Great Light Art!!! I attempted to draw my car it was tough hahah @sbothers For being balanced that is so awesme! love the reflection!
@lyxw Fountains always make for great long eposures! check out this one i did last week in washington!
August 18th, 2011

August 18th, 2011
August 18th, 2011
I think this qualifies?

THis was my very first

Sorry, one more...
August 18th, 2011
I love long exposure...still working on perfecting it!
August 19th, 2011
@pfmandeville yes tracking shots do apply :-P that one is pretty good! they are hard to get the hang of i might add! I am still trying to perfect mine but its been a long hard process ha! and for that water fall one, I would love to see a cropped or zoomed in shot just to have the actuall moving water bigger in the frame. I love water long exposures
August 19th, 2011
Taken at 930 pm

Taken at 850 pm

All time fav of my long exposures.

I have a lot feel free to check them out. I try to do 2-4 a month.
August 19th, 2011

August 19th, 2011

August 19th, 2011
I didn't take this. It sticks out in my mind. I think @neilbrewski did a really great job!
August 19th, 2011
August 19th, 2011
Hmm I need to have a bit of a play with long exposure - here is one I tried - but not great

August 19th, 2011

August 19th, 2011
Patterns of movement and symmetry.
August 19th, 2011
15 seconds:

10 seconds:

A couple that didn't make the cut from 4 Aug:

2 Seconds

2 Seconds
August 19th, 2011
August 19th, 2011
This was my first go at it, cant wait to do some lights ...
August 19th, 2011
Only one I have...
August 19th, 2011
Here are some from me!

August 19th, 2011

this was hard. i love long exposures. but i think this is maybe my favorite of mine.
August 19th, 2011
I've only taken two so not much choice lol.

August 19th, 2011

Love long exposure shots.... this one is down at the local marina :)
August 19th, 2011
Just a silly long exposure... :)

August 19th, 2011
August 19th, 2011

one of my favorites
August 19th, 2011

August 19th, 2011

August 19th, 2011
That one is my last favourite ;):
August 19th, 2011
August 20th, 2011
@cchambers I know that alley!
August 20th, 2011
August 20th, 2011
August 20th, 2011

August 20th, 2011
August 20th, 2011
August 20th, 2011

August 20th, 2011
@cvanheel Maybe not my favorite, but certainly one of the hardest! ;-)
83 seconds:
August 20th, 2011
Here are a few of mine:

August 20th, 2011
Here's my two latest ones:

August 20th, 2011
August 20th, 2011
August 20th, 2011
I don't know that this is my favorite, but it is one I like:
August 20th, 2011
August 20th, 2011
August 21st, 2011
August 21st, 2011
I think this is the only one that I have...
August 21st, 2011
August 21st, 2011
August 21st, 2011
August 21st, 2011
This one is mine :)

August 21st, 2011

Here is one I did down town

here is one from my friends house at her Giant POOL!
August 23rd, 2011
August 24th, 2011
August 31st, 2011

September 6th, 2011
Here's my latest...
September 6th, 2011
And one more...
September 7th, 2011

September 21st, 2011
Wowww.. All amazing.. How can I be able to get this shot? I'm using Canon Eos 450. Thanks..
September 21st, 2011
@fallenangel1019 Which one are you asking how to do and I can try and tell you how I would of done it :-D cuz I have the same camera
September 21st, 2011
Brisbane CBD at night - looking from Kangaroo Point cliffs.

September 22nd, 2011
HI @Cade VanHeel Thanks. everything, hahahaha.. specifically the Ferris Wheels' shots. And all the lights and shades here are so great. How can I get this shot? What set up do I have to make on my Camera, Canon? Thanks a million ^_^ I'm new here. hahaaha.
September 22nd, 2011
@fallenangel1019 with the feris wheel you need your camera on M (manual) and the shutter speed as to.be kinda lengthy I'm guessing like 10-15 sec and what they did why the shutter was open for That 15 sec they zoomed out steadily. You need a tripod for That shot. Welcome to 365 :)
September 22nd, 2011
@Cade VanHeel Thanks so much. I might have to go out and try that one out for myself. That's a huge help. Thanks for the warm welcome. ^_^
September 22nd, 2011
@fallenangel1019 No Problem Angelica! post your attempts on this thread and me or other people will help you out :-D
September 22nd, 2011
@fallenangel1019 Oh also invest in one of these it makes it so much more easier to do long exposures http://www.amazon.com/Remote-Shutter-Release-Pentax-Samsung/dp/B0032O6S70/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1316669390&sr=8-1
if you dont have one already
September 22nd, 2011
@cvanheel Thanks so much Cade. You've been so friendly and helpful to me. But what's the remote shutter for? I don't have this yet, I'll buy one for sure though.hahaha. I'll have my attempts posted here once I get the chance to go to the carnival or the busy streets. ^_^ TC.
September 22nd, 2011
@fallenangel1019 so you don't bump your camera when pushing the button to start the exsposure. But also to make exposures longer than 30 sec cuz your camera won't go longer
September 26th, 2011
not the best, but practice will import it.

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