Someone help!!

June 27th, 2012
I've been at my 365 for some time now and have not managed to take a photo every single day. I'm quickly running out of ideas so wondered if the 365 community could offer a bit of a hand.

Could someone possible come up with suggestions or even challenges for me to snap some great pictures to share with you all.

It would b very much appreciated and I will hopefully get some great photos for us all to enjoy.

Thank you


June 27th, 2012
Hi Garth, there have been a few themes. here is one and there are more if you go back at bit.
good luck.
June 27th, 2012
365 to me is more about getting out and taking photos or taking photos around the house each day. Don't stress so much about finding that perfect thing to photograph. Focus on taking a picture of something random and making it look good. Hell, i took a photo of my staple remover with a piece of candy in it.

Don't give up!!!
June 28th, 2012
Sometimes when I'm stumped I play the "30 second game". I choose a room in my house, set the camera to black and white or sepia, and give myself 30 seconds to shoot as many things I see. It gets you to think quickly and a little more freely and I usually get some great shots that way. The other thing I do is keep a short list of places I'd like to go shoot- the jungle gym at the playground, a path in the park (or a certain street if you live in an urban area), sometimes a historic site, sometimes something I own (like the kitchen utensils) but I keep the list handy so that when I'm stumped for something to shoot, I pick from the list. Another great way to keep shooting new things is to take part in one of the monthly challenges. I hope that helps.
June 28th, 2012
I think the idea is to document your year. It's easy to get caught up in trying to come up with a masterpiece every day. Lighten up. I have the same problem. Once in a while just take a photo of something that is a part of your life and dont worry about how many comments you get. It's not supposed to a competition. We all like a pat on the back. Not every day. If you like a glass of orange juice in the morning...shoot it.
June 28th, 2012
@drewhuy Excellent advise which I can use right now as i'm going thru a slump in my project.
June 28th, 2012
Gareth, for me, it's not about trying to make a masterpiece every day but rather making me look at absolutely everything during my day in detail. Even on non-event days it makes me search for something, even if it's around the house.
I think almost anything can be shot - it's how you see it, how you compose it and when you shoot it. Even the most boring or mundane things can end up being quite interesting.... a corner of a room, a stack of plates, a tassel off a rug, fraying edges of a pair of jeans etc etc.
365 has taken the blinkers off and makes me more observant and therefore, my life is richer for it. Hope this helps.... good luck. ;)
June 28th, 2012
@olivetreeann This is a great idea Ann. Thanks and I'm going to try it. There's something about shooting in b&w which brings out something different in even the most random things.
June 28th, 2012
@olivetreeann Great suggestion. I have not tried shooting in b&w. I love all these suggestions.
June 28th, 2012
Someone posted a link to an article here recently which included a lot of good advice. The bit which I've followed up so far is to take a sheet of paper and make a list of 20 interesting places in your immediate area to take photos. Worked for me.

Full article:
July 12th, 2012
Thanks for all the advice. I am going to try some and see what i come up with. Should be fun :-)
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