I'd love your opinion on photo editing software!

September 4th, 2012
Howdy friends,

For my birthday I will be receiving a gift of photo editing software. I do not have Photoshop, nor do I really want Photoshop as I believe it to be too big of a beast for me.

I'm new to photography and relatively new to 365. I've been editing with Picmonkey and that has been just peachy, but the time has come to make an investment in photo editing software.

I'm considering: Lightroom and NIK software.

I would love your opion on either of these programs or both. I am not exceptionally computer savvy so user-friendliness is a big, fat bonus.

I'd love to see examples of your photos edited with either of these software programs, if you have them. (I'm a visual learner.)

Thanks for helpin' me out! x Betsie
September 4th, 2012
I use Aperture. I love it and use it on my Mac.
September 4th, 2012
@kwind Thanks sister... I don't have a Mac. I got a PC/ Laptop.
September 4th, 2012
lightroom is easy to maneuver around. I really caught onto it quickly. Have Nik too but haven't played with it much.. a lot of my photos are tweeked with lightroom...
September 4th, 2012
I use Lightroom. Still probably on beginner's level, but I love it. I also use Picmonkey if I need to touch up few things. Photoshop is on my "want-to-learn" list. Hard to pick one photo from the whole project, but if you would like to know about particular one, what program/how was it edited, if I remember, I will be happy to answer. :-)
September 4th, 2012
@zuzana You're lovely Zuzana! Gracias chicka.

September 4th, 2012
@cheribug Thanks Cheryl. There are programs on NIK that I'd love to have, but how often am I converting to b/w? Then I think, well... If I had that software, would I shoot more shots with intent for b/w? I'm the sort of girl who wants to keep it all in the same family, you know? Jumping from one program to the next might make me open a vein. I am technically challenged and live solely in the right side of my head... so I have no time to learn specifics, I just want to do it and get it the way I want it. Mama hates manuals. User friendliness is a must.

BUT... NIK has some cool software and should I read the manual?
September 4th, 2012
hey Betsie... i have photoshop elements 10 which is grand, altho' i don't nearly use it to the degree it can be used... i also have lightroom which has a steep learning curve and i'm struggling thru...

and then there is my true love, NIK Silver Effex Pro II... which is what i've been using for most b&w conversions for the last month or so... if you click on my abum you'll see what i have up for september and august...

this is one of the few that was actually converted using lightroom... (the appearance of layers was done in camera using a long exposure)

September 4th, 2012
i have recently got lightroom and find it really good for easy fast tweeking, it is also good for more in depth adjusting. i also still use photoshop elements after lightroom thou for some shots, particularly for cloning or localised editing
September 4th, 2012
you can convert to B& W in Lightroom with some really good presets.

This was one I converted.
September 4th, 2012
Betsie, I see you shoot with Nikon. I do too. I use Nikon Capture NX2. It's not as powerful as Photoshop but is also easier to use, IMO. It's also a great Nikon RAW (NEF) converter.
It costs a bit more than Photoshop Elements, but less than Photoshop. Nikon offers a 60 day free, fully functioning, trial of it.
September 4th, 2012
Hey Betsie... I never read the manual for nik sfx - just watched a video - worked for me:)
September 4th, 2012
I have lightroom 4, and the complete Nik collection. Lightroom is great, Nik is amazing, I use both with each photo I do. Love them.
September 4th, 2012
@mikehamm Thanks Mike. I'm gonna' have to look at that!
September 4th, 2012
@northy This shot is killer cool!
September 4th, 2012
I use my Lightroom 3 for RAW editing, still a real beginner on it, so I end up doing a lot of my stuff in NIK's Snapseed and PicMonkey for cloning...I just can Not figure out LR's cloning/healing
September 4th, 2012
@vorka If you were to choose to have only one... which would you choose??
September 4th, 2012
@hopess13 Rachel, sister... I don't even know what cloning is (other than when they cloned that sheep). What the hell was the name of that sheep?
September 4th, 2012
@eyesofbetsie :D LOL, Cloning in PicMonkey is super easy, you just click on something and then paste it onto somewhere else...currently it is how I clean up my sky because I am too cheap to get my sensor cleaned. For me it is SO important!!
September 4th, 2012
@eyesofbetsie And was her name Dolly? Now I am not going to be able to sleep until I figure it out!!!
September 4th, 2012
Lightroom, and if money is not an issue, also Nik Silver Efex Pro. I've used so many different software programs for b&w processing and I am convinced none are better or easier to use than Nik Silver Efex Pro
September 4th, 2012
@jsw0109 Jeff, that's what I've heard and what I've read. There isn't anything better out there for the b/w. I just don't know if it'd be an easier transition for me if I just went with all NIK software as it would make my 'learning curve' easier and more cohesive. Keep it all in the same family rather than bouncing around, you know?
September 4th, 2012
@hopess13 OH MY GAWD, YES! Dolly was that damn sheeps name! Poor little science project!
September 4th, 2012
I have just started using Lightroom 4 and love it, a bit of a learning curve but it's coming right along. I usually start out in Lightroom with my RAW editing since I have moved solely to RAW shooting, then if I want additional effects or little fixes to remove objects, spots or people I use picmonkey which is free.

Oh and a HUGE Happy Freakin Birthday to ya!!!
September 4th, 2012
I find Lightroom very easy to use. I also have Photoshop but only use it rarely to do some pixel based editing.
September 4th, 2012
Aperture on Mac and Snapseed on iPad
September 4th, 2012
I use Photoshop Elements 10 and love it :-)
September 4th, 2012
I use Lightroom, it's really nice! If you want to try it.. just download the trial version.
September 4th, 2012
@eyesofbetsie Nik. I use LR for adjustments to white balance, exposure etc as well as camera profile and lens calibration. The main processing in Nik. If I had to have one, Nik handsdown, its super powerful, and has a stack of options.
September 4th, 2012
Lightroom 3 & Photoshop Elements 10 for me. Lightroom I thought was really user friendly. I love its noise reduction & split toning features. This is my 1st stop for post processing. I will use picmonkey after uploading in 365 when it needs a little tweaking.
September 4th, 2012
@vorka Sister, do I have to have Lightroom in order to use NIK? You're a great help. Thank you!
September 4th, 2012
Hi, its brother :) :) Mm, I'm not sure, I bought mine as a plug in, so in my case yes I had to. I think you can also but it as a stand alone. Nik has free demo downloads on their website, check them out. They also have great tutorials and live online training sessions.
September 4th, 2012
@vorka I thought you must be using Nik - you do some great stuff with the colours :)
September 4th, 2012
I use LR with NIK HDR Efex. Love it! Easy to dive right into and the more you play, the more you learn. I'm pretty sure I'm not even using half of what it's capable of. I'm going to get me some Color Efex (now that I'm looking at the NIK website) ....looks awesome! Go play with some free trials :)
September 4th, 2012
I used to use photoshop but have switched to elements 10 and actually prefer it. But have to add that I don't do much more than levels & contrast, crop - so you have to check against your personal requirements.
September 4th, 2012
I just cruised through the comments but I saw where you were talking about NIK software and converting to B&W.....Lightroom has lot and lots of free and paid plugins that will do all sorts of things. I had the 30 day trial and found a ton of presets that give the photo a specific film look or effect among others.

Personally I would pick LR. PSE10 is fine and if you want to learn PS at some point you will be ahead in that realm. I don't know LR very well but I think the only thing it can't do that PSE can is layers. LR is definitely more user friendly than PS or PSE...or at least more intuitive. Everything has a learning curve but having used all 3 (PS the most) I am saving my pennies for LR. Most of what PS can do is way above an amatuers head or needs. It can do amazing things but the learning curve is the steepest and if you're not serious about it, LR will fill in and do everything you or I would most likely be doing in PS.

Thats my two cents. Sorry if I'm rambling but I hope you can follow.
September 4th, 2012
To consider: Lightroom and Aperture are more than just photo editing programs. They are organizing/workflow systems for managing photo collections**. So instead of maintaining your files yourself in various computer directories, or perhaps a lame program that came with on a CD with your digital camera, you use the interface of that program to keep track of files, captions, names, keywords, dates, metadata, etc. Now you have a photo library. They also have loads of editing and exporting features within the program so users won't have to leave it.

I would think that for many people who are not professional photographers or graphic artists, they would rarely need more than Lightroom or Aperture because they're so powerful. But for things they can't do then you use plugins (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plug-in_%28computing%29) to do specific things on some photos. Most of those NIK programs are available as either stand-alone programs, or as plugins to Lightroom/Aperture.

Lightroom and Photoshop are both by Adobe, so they are very tightly integrated; using Photoshop is probably like using a plugin. Oh -- there is also Elements, which I think is a cheaper lighter version of Photoshop. yes, take a look at Elements.

Another possibility would be to use Picasa and save the $ for the specialty software. When looking it over, keep in mind there are different facets to Picasa (sort of like iTunes the store, iTunes the syncing program, iTunes the music/podcast library organizer...). Can be used for your photo files, editing *and* sharing online.

Photo-Editing Software Reviews

Photoshop vs Lightroom

[**DAMs, Digital Asset Management systems]
September 4th, 2012
Corel has a package of PaintShop 4 and Aftershot Pro. They run under $200 and can be purchased together. They are comprable to Photoshop and Lightroom. Aftershot really works well with RAW images. I have both and during year one used Paintshop more, during year 2 after playing with all the editing and getting back to basics, I use Aftershot almost exclusively. You can save the files as jpgs which makes it easier.
September 4th, 2012
@shadesofgrey hi! I owe you an email but have been flooded, literally flooded from a leak in my house. I was driving in the dark and have loads of thoughts on night shots so of course loads of questions. And I agree, PS is just more than I want or need, but love the cheaper version of Lightroom.
September 4th, 2012
I use photoshop CS6 and Nix software. I found Photoshop very easy to learn. I tried lightroom and found it difficult to navigate compared to Photoshop. It's a personal thing. Download trial versions, watch tutorials and play around. Purchasing something that you can grow in to is a good idea. If you go with a basic version you are limited if you want to learn more. Read some reviews from the professionals too and you will soon learn which one is best for you.
September 4th, 2012
@vorka Thanks darling'! Brother. : )
September 4th, 2012
Photoshop Elements X.u
September 4th, 2012
Everyone that has answered this plea... IS FREAKIN' WONDERFUL! I've got some serious homework to do!! Luvs and Huggies, Betsie
September 5th, 2012
I would have written exactly what @shadesofgrey said! Only thing to add is that there is a free layers plug in for LR, a little limited, but still a nice touch - and it's FREE - check http://www.ononesoftware.com/products/perfect-layers/
I use my Nik and Topaz plug ins a whole lot less now that I am using Lightroom. I would not try & learn LR & and an external editor at the same time - it would be quite confusing. I use PSP, although I also have elements 8 which came with my scanner - the most user friendly editor I have tried, and I think it would be a good first learner program, I just don't use it.
If you shoot RAW, I would start with LR & grab yourself a bucketful of free presets from the internet :)
September 5th, 2012
@bonniebouman Could you be any more awesome?? Thanks for that killer information.
September 5th, 2012
@ltodd I have been shooting in RAW but haven't been able to manipulate my shots in Picmonkey. I know with a proper program, I'll be able to do just that. I was confused by LR and NIK simply because I thought they did the same thing, but I'm discovering that one supports the other, is that a correct discovery? I'm tellin' ya' sister, I haven't had my laptop for a year, let alone my 4 month old camera (that isn't an iphone), and now software? What's in the world is this computer illiterate fool doing to herself? It's a journey, isn't it?
September 5th, 2012
@eyesofbetsie oooh I am hearing you sista! Yes I had always been unhappy with the RAW conversion - could never see the point / increase in pic quality, especially as I had tried 3 different brands of RAW conversion software, but...I was convinced by difference LR makes the first time ! ...I never knew the conversion software has such a huge impact on image quality.
Nik will sit inside LR as a mega plugin, but once you get the hang of LR, much of the 'heavy lifting' can be done using LR. Nik is like a pre-mix exotic cocktail, LR develop module is like a mix it your self drink, or if you use imported pre-made settings it is like getting a pre-mixed drink. (kinda/ sorta !!)
If you love photography enough to take dozens of shots a day, or hundreds or even thousands on holidays, you will eventually welcome LR as a long lost friend. Wish I had been using it all along.
September 5th, 2012
@ltodd You RULE! Thank you for everything!
September 5th, 2012
Betsie, I use Lightroom almost exclusively and process every photo there (at least a bit of sharpening!) that you see in my albums. One thing that is really nice to know is that the plug-in filters available for LR allow you to do a lot of interesting things. . .and they are everywhere and often available for free. In addition, having a controlled workflow has been the saving grace for me, as I take WAY TOO MANY pictures. . . good luck and HAPPY UPCOMING BDAY!
September 5th, 2012
@ltodd "would not try & learn LR & and an external editor at the same time - it would be quite confusing."

Agreed. BPP, if you get Lightroom (or Aperture for others reading this later on for research), I would learn to use that first, don't even buy plugins yet. It'll take months to get used to it and learn everything (a lot of editing / processing power!) that that program can do. As time goes on then start looking around to see what plugins are available, or maybe there will be particular things you want to do that require them, or maybe LR can do such-and-such but you want to be able to do it better (black & white conversion, sharpening, stitching panoramas).

In a way using a plugins and exporting to another program is the same idea to the computer program (Lightroom/Aperture); in another it's different.

Say you have a picture called furryspider44.raw. It's in LR, the version you're working is called furryspider44.jpg. OK, now you want to do some more work on it and really max out the little guy's fur and make his eyes glow. If the program you want (say PixelMistress) is available as a plugin, you say "Open with plugin PixelMistress," the pictures opens up in PixelMistress, you spice up his fur and eyes and save; you automatically go back to LR which says "Here's your furryspider44 file PixelMistress version, I'll put it right back where you were."

But if PixelMistress is a separate program not a plugin, you could still use it; "Export to PixelMistress," do the same work and save it, but instead of the picture going back into LR automatically, you have to save the version and re-import it back into where you started. It's not the end of the world, but the time and repetition add up. So it's better if it's available as a plugin: more integrated with your system.

(I learned all this stuff myself in the past 1.6 years, since I switched from iPhoto to Aperture. It's good to explain it to someone else, because it helps me think through what it all means.)

September 5th, 2012
@bonniebouman Good to know. I never understood what a plug in was. I agree, I want to know a program well before I learn something new. Little steps, you know?
September 6th, 2012
I am a Photoshop girl at heart, so that's what I'd recommend. There is so much room to learn and grow in Photoshop, because it is so complex! And after 7 years of using it, I'm still learning new things :)
September 6th, 2012
@eyesofbetsie Hey Betsie, well I will recommend LR and NIK SIlver Efex 2 to sit along side of PS, once you start using LR and Silver Efex you will wonder why you didn't jump aboard earlier :) all of my B&W's are processed through silver efex, it has an easy learning curve and the latest version of LR is very user friendly too!
September 6th, 2012
@flagged BULLSEYE Darlin'! You nailed it. As always, it's a joy when you chime in! x Betsie
September 6th, 2012
Lightroom is totally different then photoshop because it is more of combination of workflow steps. Its a raw editor, an editor and a photo organization tool. I usually use it to import my raw files from camera, do color correction, minor skin touch ups, all your basic edits like contrast, saturation, exposure, noise reduction, vignettes, etc. I usually sharpen in photoshop because you have way more control and do other more involved edits in photoshop. The nice thing about lightroom is all your edits dont actually touch your original file which is really a great feature. Lightroom has some great features and advanced features such as custom dng profiles, presets etc. This is a great starting point in your workflow and one you can add to later such as photoshop or other plugins for lightroom.
September 6th, 2012
@soia Thank you Kevin!! Valuable info here. Mama's landed on Lightroom to start. Once I get familiar with LR I will add my plugins. Baby steps...
May 7th, 2013
hey, I know Photoshop and was totally freak out by it....I mean, too difficult for newbie to edit photos with...then I turned myself into PhotoStudio, the photo edit software that has similar editing functions with Photoshop, but more economical in price and the editing work seems great. If you want to view how to edit photos and you may find lots edit photos here, please visit:
add photo effects to live up your photos;
remove background from photos;
sharpen photos;
May 7th, 2013
Hey Betsie. For what it's worth, my Brother just introduced me to a really neat program. It costs $29.95 and I barely scratched the surface. it is called Smart Photo Editor. You download it, receive a special code via your e-mail that you need to complete the download. You can go on-line and trial it first. You just cannot save anything till you purchase it. All the other ones mentioned on here also sound very neat. I do not have the motivation to dive into Photoshop though that is an awesome program I hear.
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