How Has Photography Changed Your Life?

July 11th, 2013
I have discovered a new realm of happiness since I started taking photos two years ago. Until then I never knew what I was missing. Since then, I've learned so much about the world around me. To capture my intense joy, I wrote a poem about how it began with a field of Queen Anne's Lace. If interested, click today's photo and poem at

I also wanted to mention how much I enjoy those of you on this project who include poetry with some of your photos. I'm looking for some new 365 friends who enjoy posting poetry with their photos. Also, if you have some original poetry to share, that would be much appreciated.

Thanks for stopping by! :)
July 11th, 2013
Believe it or not, photography has completely changed my diet! I now eat mostly Raman noodles; and sometimes treat myself to a hotdog if I'm particularly flush! ;)

It's been a while, but now and then I wax poetic, and a lot of people add haiku to their shots (here's a link to photos tagged with "haiku"):

This interesting natural art was hanging on a wall in one of our local restaurants, and a story began forming even before I took the shot:

July 11th, 2013
I don't think that photography has caused any changes in my life. Rather, photography helps with reducing stress produced by my activity with crisis and death.
July 11th, 2013
I don't have enough time to explain how photography has changed, or rather saved my life! Last fall I received two random words in a tag challenge. While I was dreaming up the shot, I wrote the verse in the shower before I even started shooting. Sometimes, you wonder!

Pandora's Box

My bounty lies at the end of the rainbow,
with secrets locked deep inside.

Are hearts and kisses aligned in a row,
where love will surely reside.

I'd like, for once, to be Goldilocks,
a table set just right.

Or will I find Pandora's box,
with tales as black as the night.

A reflection on how memories rewrite themselves over time.

For the tag challenge, rainbow and love.

July 11th, 2013
My love of photography was rekindled last year. I had been absent from taking pictures for too many years to count and found it not only relaxing but has stimulated the creative juices and occasionally I've been inspired to write a poem or reflect on a deep thought that has become transparent while looking through the lens of my camera. It has awakened the soul within to express myself through this gift to capture the love of creation under the sun. Here is a post expressing what I saw behind the lens of the camera.

Distant Well

My dreams and expectation
At the well I cannot reach
Over the river is my hope
The distant well to meet
July 11th, 2013
I'm always looking for that great shot and get peed of when it find it and I realise my camera is elsewhere lol

July 11th, 2013
@chapjohn Thanks for the reply, John. Although I would have to say that the fact that photography reduces stress is very life-changing! Think of how much more stressed you might be without it! :)
July 11th, 2013
@welcometocarolworld Hi Carol. Thanks for sharing your BEAUTIFUL poem and photo. I appreciate that. :)
July 11th, 2013
@markjohnstone I can relate to that, Mark! This is a stunningly beautiful photo, by the way, that you've shared here.
July 11th, 2013
@grizzlysghost Oh my goodness, Aaron! How interesting you shared a "tree troll" shot. Did you write the poem too? It's wonderful. You might find it interesting to take a peek at a "tree troll" photo I took back in March. Here it is:
July 11th, 2013
@cathrinemitch Cathrine, thanks so much for sharing. It was very moving to read. I just love your beautiful poem. And I love the photo too!
July 11th, 2013
@grizzlysghost all of your grocery money goes to lenses and old cameras? We travel more.
July 11th, 2013
I have become more observant in the past 10 months - seeing things with different eyes, and always looking for a picture out of something I see.
July 11th, 2013
@kiwiflora Thanks for sharing. I can certainly relate to that as well!
July 11th, 2013
I think the biggest thing is it's giving me a better ability to capture memories and moments. My main reason for wanting to learn my camera was to be able to take portraits of my children as they grew up. We just went on vacation and I really feel like I better captured everything this time around than I have in the past. While I love the fine art side of photography, which I've gotten to dabble in a bit as a result of this project, it's the memory making that's my first priority and that brings the most joy. Plus, it's been really fun to dip into a new kind of creative medium. Photography is so much more than I ever thought it was.
July 11th, 2013
Completely and utterly changed my life this year--I started this as a writing project (there are long narratives often below the shot now), but I'm just thankful for opening my eyes, listening for things, and being fully present with my surroundings. Changed my life. YUP! :)
July 11th, 2013
Changed my life..a whole has brought some passion for the artistic side I had been ignoring for a long time. It has opened the use the other side of my brain and forces me to be more creative and see things differently. Always looking for "that" shot as well as my family and friends giving me suggestions on stuff they think is worthy that they have it has turned it to more than just "my" project. I also love it because for me it is "clean" brushes, no paper, no paint mess. Love it...could spend way more time...yes changed my days for sure!
July 11th, 2013
I spend way too much time editing and here on 365 in front of the computer. ;)
July 12th, 2013
My hubby bought my new camera when I was facing some health issues. It's been frustrating for me to not be as physically fit as I used to be (but working on it) after having cancer. The camera was what I needed to get up and move on.
My camera and 365 have given me a kick in the bum and motivated me to go out every day and take a picture. I have learned SO MUCH, not just about how to use my camera, but about people, cultures, places, critters. I have laughed and cried since being here, made new friends (including some who are now e-mail or facebook buddies), and yes I do spend entirely more time at the computer than I want to. Most of the friends I started with have dropped off the project already, but I am grateful to them for pushing me to do this. One thing that amazes me constantly here is how NICE most people are. Unusual in a forum of this size - says a lot about photographers.
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