Negative reaction to a street shot

September 1st, 2013
My husband had pulled the car off the highway, so i could get a shot to post on 365 today. When I looked across the highway there was a young man and a young woman, each with huge backpacks, each with a dog on a leash tagging behind them. This wasn't the shot I was going for, but I turned the camera in their direction. The young man became agitated, saying "Really? Without my permission?" I said, "Sorry, is it not ok?" (We are on opposite sides of the road). He then replies, "Can you give us a ride?" "Where are you going?" I ask. "Anywhere south." Remembering that the back of my Jeep is filled with furniture, I say, "Oh, sorry, my car is full of junk and there isn't room." I'm sure that sounded pretty lame to him, though it is true. At this point I just get in the car, and we go home. I have mixed feelings about posting this shot, which turned out fairly well. I know I won't post it today, but would appreciate your feedback.
September 1st, 2013
There are two sorts of people in this world - 1) the ones who see you with the camera and give a big smile and a wave and 2) the ones who frown and look angry! You have just struck one of those, don't be concerned - you are more important than he is! My niece was one of the second lot and got up from sitting on the side of the river and chased the lady and berated her furiously! But then she's a really weird niece, believe me!
September 1st, 2013
if you had taken the shot, would you post it, knowing that the person was upset about it?
September 1st, 2013
Very rarely have I had anyone make a comment about permission, and I do a LOT of street photography. If they do make such a comment, though, my standard response is, "You're in public with no expectation of privacy. I do not need your permission to take the photo. I only need permission to sell it or to use it for advertising." Oddly enough, that generally results in a conversation - not a confrontation - the net result being a great photo!
September 1st, 2013
If he did not ask you to delete it after that exchange, I would not worry about it. It seems from your account that the subject did not come up again and in truth they were more interested in a ride than any privacy issue. In the end, it's what YOU feel most comfortable with. If it would bother you to post it without his "permission", then don't post it. But if you think he might possibly have been using the picture as a way to ask for a ride and was only half jesting about the "permission" issue and it doesn't bother you to post it anyway, then post it.
September 1st, 2013
I come across such people all the time. Rarely someone will object in a nice way, usually they are rude about it. My usual response is that they are in a public place and I an well within my rights to take any photos I want.
September 1st, 2013
Hmmm... I've had almost no negative reactions and I've done a fair bit of street photography... I'm not sure I would have stood my ground on my rights - rather that they made for an awesome shot! Sounds like he was likely tired and grumpy for reasons that had nothing to do with you...
September 1st, 2013
Really! With that attitude i wouldn't have given them a lift even if I did have the space, don't worry its just one of life's 'stories'.
September 1st, 2013
It's true that they are in a public place and have no right to privacy, but I know how I would feel. I don't always ask, but if someone objects, I don't usually use it.
Notice, there were a lot of ifs and buts and usuallys in that statement.
September 1st, 2013
I got a coke thrown at me once! :o) I still took another pic of him just because! Sometimes the angry look makes the photo! If someone is in a public place they are fair game! I would post it! I'm dying to see it now!

September 2nd, 2013
Post it! To hell with those guys! I suppose they feel it's enough they are sharing the oxygen with you; needing to share light waves with you too is just crossing the line! Ya... to hell with them! :)
September 2nd, 2013
Personally, I would not post it. Then again, I don't do street photography for these reasons, and because I would be one of the people who get angry. lol
September 2nd, 2013
What Ron said.

@orangecrush Haha! Love these! The first for the reaction and the second for the soft glow on that dude.
September 2nd, 2013
@eniaral would it bother YOU to post the picture? If not, and you're proud of the result, go ahead and share it. You can always take it down later if you change your mind.
September 2nd, 2013
I myself have mixed feelings, mainly because I wonder how I would react if I was in those peoples shoes. I'm a private person. I understand that being in public means you really can't expect to have privacy. However, I wouldn't be very amused with someone taking photos of me. I would find it very odd, and quite frankly, you never really know if there is an underlying motive that is not innocent. However, if the person explained their purpose, I wouldn't have a problem with it, as long as they didn't take photos of my kids. I'm very cautious about that due to custody issues, and there are people who will photograph children for inappropriate reasons. Doesn't mean that I, myself, won't eventually do some street photography, but I will make sure I am prepared to explain what my purpose is, just in case. And chances are, if the person says they don't want me to take their photo, I'll respect their wishes, because I would want someone to respect mine. But that's just me, and I don't see a legal issue with you having taken the photo, or posting it. I guess you should ask yourself what you would want to happen if you were in their shoes. If you would have no problem with a random stranger taking your photo without permission, and posting it online, then go for it.
September 2nd, 2013
I always seem to meet the grumpy ones. Perhaps that is because they are the most interesting looking people or are doing the most interesting things! You are suffering from the classic dilemma about posting or not. If it was taken in a public place then people shouldn't complain about it. If they were particularly worried enough to ask you to delete the shot or not use it then I would respect that otherwise I would post it.
September 2nd, 2013
actually.. I don't know if the argument about it being a public place extends to it being o.k to post the image. Once on the net, it is there forever. I personally, don't 'deliberately' take pics of people in public places (although, they may unintentionally appear in the background). I certainly don't post pics of people - not without their permission.
September 2nd, 2013
When I go to a big city like Edinburgh I know I am going to be in lots of photos. Why should it bother me?. Perhaps if I am out on my own I might feel more vulnerable, but as long as the picture is taken in good faith and without malice then I am comfortable with that.
September 2nd, 2013
Im not brave enough for street photography and the few shots I have taken ive always asked permission for simply because I fear confrontation so much ! However ive seen so many amazing candid shots on here I really wish I was braver! You have to do what you feel right about posting it , were all intrugued now but you have to have peace with your desicion. However he knows you have the shot and had the option to ask for it to be delted and didn't..... I can't help wondering if his sole reason for appearing angry was because you looked as if you might appease his anger by giving him a lift!
September 2nd, 2013
@kannafoot depends on where in the world you are I guess... for example news papers / magazines do this all the time. Photographers sell their images of celebs and are paid for it - sometimes against the celebs wishes
September 2nd, 2013
I've been told no and have removed the photos because it is not worth my brain energy to debate the issue. Personally, I just follow my conscience. Do what you feel is right and move on.
September 2nd, 2013
Isnt this what makes photography so much fun? We never know who is going to turn on us. The truth of the matter is you were on public property, what every image you take is yours. You and you alone know what to do... I say post it. Maybe they are runaways or some criminal... muhahhaha
September 2nd, 2013
I took this.. If its what I think it is I am sure the peeps would have not been happy... but I took it and now I post it... muhahaha
September 2nd, 2013
I appreciate everyone's input - i decided to post a highly processed version of the shot today.
September 2nd, 2013
Post it! Post it! Post it! Screw them.
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