Silky Water - Thank you

April 27th, 2014
Back in January I asked for help to get that silky water from a slow exposure. So many of you posted and your information was great. I wasn't too successful that day but kept trying on different water flows and I think I have just about conquered it. Good enough to post. So thank you all for helping me put one more of my bucket list items to rest. Oh I will try to do it some more because I love it. But the skill is mine now.
April 27th, 2014
@joansmor Hi Joan, buy yourself a ND (Neutral Density filter, [Variable are better but more expensive]) then you can get some super silkyness!! I have taken a few!!

April 27th, 2014
@paulty Yes, that is on my list when the budget allows. But still I was happy.
April 27th, 2014
@joansmor do you have the link to that post Joan!? I love the silky water effect and would love to do it .
April 27th, 2014
Looks great, Joan!!!!!!
April 27th, 2014
Paul is right, a variable ND filter is almost indispensable for long exposures of moving water.

April 27th, 2014
OK, now I've got to show mine... using some cheap ND filters... and not too much movement on the Mediterranean Sea...

April 27th, 2014
@mzzhope Hope just do what I did start a thread asking for help. I can't find that thread now. Also there are tutorials on the internet.
April 27th, 2014
@cindyloo Thanks Cindy
April 27th, 2014
@jayberg @rafesmar Thanks for sharing. I love these pictures.
April 27th, 2014
@joansmor - You did great, Joan - your image is awesome!
April 28th, 2014
Isn't it fun learning something new?! ;) I went on a landscape course which included some waterfalls and rivers last year. I wasn't able to get the ND filter in time so just crossed my fingers I could get some 'silky' water.

I was in luck, it was overcast and with the darker conditions I was able to slow down my shutter to an acceptable setting. So, you don't always need more equipment to get the look - you just need to find the right conditions to help you attain it. In my case, overcast rainy weather proved to help even though I got wet in the process! Enjoy experimenting. ;)
April 28th, 2014
@kass Those are fabulous.
April 28th, 2014
@joansmor I'm so glad you posted this! I've been thinking about it for a long time, but never tried it. Maybe I'll get out there and try it now! :)
April 28th, 2014
@joansmor I am happy that you posted this. I just tried the silky water effect yesterday and wasn't so happy with the outcome. I am going to read through your posts now and then I will try again. Thanks Joan

April 28th, 2014
@kanelipulla Yours looks like one of my first attempts. @vignouse teaches me to look at the settings on pictures I like under the photo details click on view info. You learn what settings people are using. I don't do it often enough but I do when I am interested in trying something. There are so many people willing to help you on this site.
April 28th, 2014
Very well done and such a great feeling to try something new and be happy with the results. I tried this for the first time whilst on holiday last year on the Greek island of Lemnos.
April 28th, 2014
@paulaw Stunning picture Paula!!!
April 28th, 2014
Great job! I don't have the ND filters, but I was successful in low light to get the effect on a third try. When light is there, I'm supposing the filters are a really good investment. :)

April 28th, 2014
Fantastic silky waterfall, @darylo ! (I want to learn this, too! I haven't checked the "tips and tricks" articles around here for this technique, yet...)
April 28th, 2014
@darylo Stunning. I will be trying more if the opportunity presents it's self.
April 29th, 2014
I tend to prefer pulling back a bit and making it more of an epic scene

This is a big stopper - its a 10 stop Lee ND filter

April 30th, 2014
@toast Wonderful, I have yet to get a ND filter. On my wish list, but for now I want to learn to use what I have. Yours is just so stunning.
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