you must have a lot of time on your hands

March 16th, 2015
You know, I've gotten used to "wow you must have a good camera". It make me chuckle really. See by and large to people who are really serious about it, my photos are nothing special. It's a hobby and I like it but to my friends and family some of the shots I get to work out look like magic.

I've been fiddling around in photoshop lately. I can do a few basic things and I've been doing the sandbox challenges. Someone from work didn't know who Doctor Who was so this picture I put on FB made no sense. I was explaining it and someone came along and wanted to see what we were talking about. I showed it to them and that's when I got the "you must have a lot of time on your hands."

Yea cause that took me maybe 10 minutes to do and hey who are you to basically call my hobby a waste of time. This person is a quilter and I don't say "you know you can just buy those things right."


March 16th, 2015
Hahaha! So true! The other one I get is, "So, can you make money taking those kinds of pictures?" Like if the end result of the photo isn't a sell-able image, what is the point? (this was the image that particular conversation took place over)
March 16th, 2015
The only comment I get a lot is "why do you take pictures of that?" Or I have a few people on my facebook that will say "I don't comment because you post to many photos." So I don't know. I don't pay any attention to negative comments really, I don't have time for that. I figure either they don't really have an appreciation for photography or they like to beat people down that show they have talent or something along those lines. The two photos above are awesome by the way :)
March 16th, 2015
@shawnasays "you post too many photos". Huh? I'm not sure that's even possible!! :-)
March 16th, 2015
@aponi There is no dealing with idiots.

@melston My response would be along the lines of "Yes, galleries are falling over themselves to buy them" then walk away with a self satisfied smile.

@shawnasays Some people just live to be negative, and I hate it. I told the last person that was negative about my photos that he shouldn't bother trying to shoot himself because he'd surely miss the target. Humour is great to prick pomposity.
March 16th, 2015
I think I've figured out what's going on. Around work I'm "the photographer". People like my shots of flowers and spiders and the like. I rather publically made a pic of everyone in the department photoshopped together in a tacky sweater for our boss' birthday.

SHE however told me later today that she only shoots with film AND she develops her own B&W images. I've seen some of her pictures, nothing in B&W but she's got some pretty amazing shots from some trips she's gone on to the Galapagos and some polar bear shots she got on some trip. Back before I started on here I only shot vacation photos too. I was always a little disappointed when I got back at how they turned out because if you only take photos on vacation then you get out of practice and blow it.

just my two cents as it were but I think she is a little jealous of the attention I get with my little hobby
March 16th, 2015
@hippiechick13 I know right?! Lol
March 17th, 2015
I KNOW! If people only realized how they sound! The first time someone told me, "You must have a really good camera," I honestly almost laughed in her face! She was totally clueless about the insult, thinking she was giving me a compliment! Ha ha ha! Just have to laugh it off and keep on enjoying what I'm doing. If someone thinks it's all the camera, oh well! ;)
March 17th, 2015
P.S. Maybe it IS all the camera! HA ha ha ha ha! ;)
March 17th, 2015
Thankfully I've never had that kind of negative comment concerning my photography. I did have one rather humorous comment though. I was with a friend in Boston on vacation. She knew of my 365 project and that I would be taking pictures. Of course, I saw pictures galore with every step I took so I'd stop to take them. After the second day of this she turned to me and said, "I knew you took a lot of pictures, but I never realized it was THAT MANY!" We just laughed every time the camera came out after that.
March 17th, 2015
@olivetreeann Ahhh, must travel with fellow photographer! My hubby, while very patient with me really, does get tired of waiting around for me to take 25 shots of the same thing. With toddlers it gets even more difficult to stop and take shots all the time. However my last trip was with a fellow-aspiring-photographer/foodie and we just ate and took photos and took photos of everything we ate ... fantastic :)
March 17th, 2015
I sometimes get the opposite problem. I occasionally go out with a 1922 Kodak Box brownie Model 2 or my 1930 Kodak bellows camera. That draws some interesting comments. No one believes you can take a good photo on an ancient Box Brownie. One young guy actually asked me how I downloaded the photos onto the computer from one of those. :)
March 17th, 2015
@swillinbillyflynn Hilarious!
March 17th, 2015
@aliha Now that sounds like a fun trip!!
March 17th, 2015
Someone once teased me because I was taking a photo of a street light. "You've never seen a street light before" she asked. Then I read that quote that says something about finding beauty in the mundane and I thought, "Yes, that is why I take photos of street lights and vegetable peelers and cheese graters." Photos that make the mundane interesting and/or beautiful are some of my favorites. Anyway, I guess we just have to ignore them.
March 17th, 2015
I have realized that a lot of people who are really important to me, just are not visual people, they are bored by pictures and don't get the joy I find in colors and lighting and textures. So instead of being hurt that they don't understand, I share here with people who totally get it, and then do other things with my family and coworkers and friends, although at times I still shove my camera in their face or beg them to look at "a few" pictures and they might humor me
March 17th, 2015
@aponi I get that one with "you must have a good camera" pretty often, but I'm not offended, I just smile a little :)
Also, I sometimes get the "you must have a lot of time" my answer is always: really I have little time, but I use it wisely :)) -- I also have a toddler at home, so I don't know how anyone can think I have a lot of time :D
Aaaa...and the one I really disliked and upset me..."why do you always carry that camera with you, you hope will get the opportunity to make a great picture and win a prize?" that was yesterday's mean comment from a colleague. I abstained from any answer, but I will remember it when he has a passion, so that I can give it back :D
March 17th, 2015
I have some photos in an exhibition at work, opens next week so haven't seen it yet. When I told my boss she said 'all the hiding in bushes and jumping out at people has paid off then'. Nothing about how great for the dept and well done! This has been a great thread, generally my family and friends are very positive but I find the occassional person doesn't get it.
March 17th, 2015
You keep dong what you love. No matter what others understand or not has nothing to do with how you live your life and spend your time. Photography is a widely known hobby and profession. Those who just don't get it, just don't get it. Keep doing it and those who matter will get it and will appreciate what you do.
March 17th, 2015
I wish someone would say "you must have a good camera" to me - then I might feel like I got something right!
March 17th, 2015
@missalice haha

My mom likes what she calls "pretty pictures". Some of my favorite shots are things she thinks are just weird. I'm ok with that, they don't understand why I run in races I have no shot of winning either.
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