Advice on new camera

April 19th, 2016
Currently I have a small canon point and shoot. I would like to upgrade some, but don't want too big of a camera. I have about $300-$350. I am looking for any advice and recommendations. Any input would be greatly apreciated. Thank you!
April 19th, 2016
I would suggest a Nikon D3300 or D3200 . I noticed that B & H Photo had a refurbished camera with a kit lens for $350. I have purchased several refurbished camera's from B&H Photo and the quality has been excellent. In fact my last one only had 24 shots taken.

I also noticed that you might be able to get a Canon EOS Rebel T5 with the kit lens for slightly less than that amount on Amazon but I am a Nikon user so it is hard to say either way about the Canon. That camera has less megipixels but as you purchase more lenses canon tens to be a little less expensive.
April 19th, 2016
Yes I'm not sure where you are or what currency we're talking but I've recently seen a catalogue with new Nikon D3300 for AUD499 and Canon 100D for AUD619 (both with 18-55mm kit lenses). With the money you have though I'd absolutely consider something second hand. I recently gave away my Canon 450D (an old Rebel) and two kit lenses. Nothing wrong with it (other than superseded technology) - I was just needing to move to the next level.

It really depends what you want to get out of a new camera - are you wanting to explore the creative opportunities of a DSLR? Or wanting better image quality? Or something else?
April 19th, 2016
Canon and Nikon DSLRs are both great. May I ask why you're looking to upgrade? What are you trying to accomplish that your current camera can not?
April 19th, 2016
@jennyp I went from a canon point and shoot to a nikon D3300 about 18 months ago and have had a huge amount of fun. I've ended up getting two more lenses and a tripod, so I can't really pretend that things are under control...
April 19th, 2016
@christophercox Haha! I totally's a sickness really! I'm paying off a lens right now...then what??? :0
April 19th, 2016
@jennyp You are doing really well with your current small camera, i just browsed through your albums. Now if you could just say WHY you want to upgrade, WHAT you want to do but are unable to, we might be better placed to answer without our own prejudices intruding.

You know, if you can't answer either of those two questions, perhaps you should just stay where you are? All the best, and if you can tell me why and what, I'll certainly have a shot at answering.
April 19th, 2016
I am looking to upgrading too. My Olympus bridge camera is beginning to wear out. There is a scratch on the lens and the shutter sometimes sticks. I am thinking of getting a Canon EOS Rebel T5. I will follow this discussion thread to see what others suggest.
April 19th, 2016
I took a glance at your album. You are doing very well with your Canon Point and shoot!
April 20th, 2016
@jennyp @myhrhelper I must agree with Kathy. I recently purchased a used Nikon body from B&H. It had a total of 12 shutter actuations on it. I've been buying from them since sometime in the '90's, when I was still shooting film. They have excellent service and great prices too.
I've been shooting Nikon cameras since about the '80's. I still have one lens that I bought sometime in the '90's and it is fully compatible with my current digital Nikon cameras.
April 20th, 2016
@jennyp - I wish you well Jenny in making your choice. I was in the same boat as you are a few years ago. I studied and read reviews for a month or two. I even asked a few friends who had dSLRs for their opinions. I then read one person's answer to another's question about which camera was better, a Nikon or a Canon? What I read came across like asking, "Who makes a better car? Ford or Chevy? They are both great cameras! You can find many reviews on Youtube comparing Nikon and Canon cameras that are at comparable price ranges and you don't have the pressure of a salesman trying to sell you something. Just as @jaypoc mentioned, you need to determine what you want to do with this new camera. You won't go wrong selecting either Nikon D3300, D3200 or a Canon T5. They all are great entry level dSLRs.
Oh yes, welcome to the Project! You have uploaded some great work so far!
April 20th, 2016
@myhrhelper I've never heard of B&H - that seems great to know about! Thank you for your ideas!
April 20th, 2016
@aliha I am definitely interested in better image quality. I will look into your suggestions. Thank you!
April 20th, 2016
Just looked at your photos and they look great.

If you're looking for something with a bit more control, but not looking for something too much bigger, you may want to look at some of the mirrorless options also. They may be a bit more expensive, but could be worth saving up for a bit longer. Nothing wrong with any of the Canon/Nikon DSLRs as well. (I shoot Canon primarily, and recently picked up a Fuji and am super happy with both of them)
April 20th, 2016
@jaypoc My current little camera is starting to have a couple of problems. The display doesn't consistently work. So, I figured if I am getting a new camera that I would upgrade a little. I would love for better image quality.
April 20th, 2016
Thank you for the input, suggestions, and encouragements. I will look into these different things and continue my decision. Since my current camera is malfunctioning some, I think I am just wondering about how an upgrade in camera would affect my images. I have never experimented with a better camera, so it seems it might be fun to try.
April 20th, 2016
@jennyp I guess even "image quality" is an ambiguous idea in itself! But you know, to an extent more megapixels might make a difference, or better glass than what's on your p&s, but also learning a bit about settings and techniques will make a huge difference.

I also notice you're not following anyone yet on your project ... imo looking at other people's images and watching what cameras they're using and what settings they're using could really help you learn firstly about what you want in a new camera and secondly how to learn new stuff. I am always asking people about their photos, when I see something awesome that I don't know how to do, or when I see that they're using particular settings etc.
April 20th, 2016

Fuji X20 is a great camera & since it's superceded by the X30 will be a good buy & about the price you mention. I also love my Sony a6000 but it's more ££s.
April 20th, 2016
@jennyp B&H is a great store. But they will be closed for Passover April 21 through May 1.
April 20th, 2016
I've bought all of my cameras (Nikon D3100, Nikon 5200 & Olympus OMD EM5) second hand - but waited to find a good deal & a well looked after camera. After 2 Nikons, the OMD is a revelation! So light, so clever & very versatile. I've still got the Nikons but haven't used them for ages! I do a lot of motorcycle racing photography & am waiting to try the OMD with fast action shots to see how they compare ... you never know, I may go totally mirrorless!
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