What makes 365 Project such a supportive website?

June 3rd, 2018
I am a member of a U3A photography group and have volunteered to give a mini-presentation to the other members about 365 Project. No problem to describe what goes on here, what are the benefits for me and to explain, as I see it, the difference between this photographic website and others.

But what are the reasons for this difference, this supportive atmosphere? Surely not just the requirement to post a photo a day. Any ideas or opinions very welcome.
June 3rd, 2018
I'll repeat myself - I will say that 365 project gave me - the most important thing - it's faith in my own strength !!!
This is a constant support of like-minded people from all over the world !!!
This is a critique, it's an online help, it's a good reminder!
June 3rd, 2018
No one puts pressure on anyone. If you post once a day or once a month, your followers will still support you. I think we all our more pressure on ourselves to post every day because of the support we get.
June 3rd, 2018
365 project provides enocouragment to use your camera and doing so helps you improve your photography. It is completely your choice as to what to post, when to post, and how often you post. Seeing what others are doing is good motivation.
June 3rd, 2018
i think its to do with the demographic, (dare i say mostly middle-agers +) most of us are from a time before likes and text speak were the way to communicate, so we make the effort to give quality and well-mannered , encouraging , feedback
The all in it together feel has us all on a similar wavelength, and the familiarity we feel with each other from sharing our daily lives builds friendship and camraderie.
the challenges ensure a feeling of inclusion and participation to help us learn new things so it doesnt get boring, and motivation to keep up the good work
you get out what you put in
June 3rd, 2018
I think @kali66 expressed it perfectly.
June 3rd, 2018
@grammyn haha so i was right! i will add its so interesting seeing the variety from all over the world and you learn so much about people and places and customs, it expands my consciousness in many ways actually, personally the opportunity for self-expression is important, i know myself better since doing this for 5 years!
June 3rd, 2018
@kali66 again..you expressed it perfectly!
June 3rd, 2018
What they said! I also like the sense of a creative learning community, where anything goes in your own project. There is competition, yet it is gentle with the honour of hosting the next and some warm congratulatory feedback from 'friends'.
I also like that whilst Ross keeps us rocking along, anyone can step in or step up and host an event or lead a discussion - in this may it is fun and inclusive.
June 4th, 2018
I think it helps that 365 isn't a competitive endeavour. We're all working towards the same goal and hit similar bumps in the road. I've been here a while now and I think people who don't approach it as a journey of sorts simply don't stick around very long.
June 4th, 2018
@humphreyhippo well said
June 4th, 2018
I certainly agree with all the above mentioned. Had it not been for this supportive group of wonderful people, I would not have made it here in 365. I am in my 2nd year now and it has become a major part of my life. When I started, all I had was a cellphone and a little Canon Ixus. I knew nothing about anything, except how to push the button. In the meanwhile with the help and advice of many in this great family, I have my first PC, ,Lightroom, PS Elements and since a few months Topaz Studio (which has become my daily editor). It took many discussions with some very supportive people to for me to finally understand and use it all. So many of these wonderful 365'ers have helped and guided me through so many issues, (I felt like a stupid blonde) I know that if I need help, someone is always there and I will be forerver grateful. Many thanks to everyone :-)
June 4th, 2018
I think everyone has already said it wonderfully.

@humphreyhippo I do agree with Humphrey about the competitive aspect too. I find so many other sites overly competitive and the pressure to perform is ever present. I don't feel like that here. I feel at home here! The challenges we do have are not competitive, but supportive and about learning to do new things. And the commitment some people show towards some of the challenges is incredible - @northy and @farmreporter are two that immediately spring to mind!

The interactions with the people are what keep me coming back after 5 years. I miss the comments, the stunning images, the challenges, the learning and the camaraderie when I'm not here.
June 4th, 2018
I was so pleased when I logged on this morning to find all your feedback - so far - thank you all for taking the trouble!

@olenadole @henrir @chapjohn @kali66 @grammyn @brigette @humphreyhippo @ludwigsdiana @dibzgreasley
June 4th, 2018
i think there's little more that i can add, but i just wanted to concur with everyone else! people on 365 seem very disinclined to take offence/get competitive/get aerated as can happen so much elsewhere. on the contrary. they are helpful, supportive, enthusiastic, encouraging, informative, open to new things, and don't take themselves too seriously. i have learned such a lot, had so much fun and met some lovely people. and like others i thank ross @scrivna for setting up the site and keeping it running so smoothly for us all :)
June 4th, 2018
I don’t have any other photo sites to compare this to, but I’m happy I found 365 first. I felt welcomed from my very first photo. I agree wholeheartedly with the above comments and truly appreciate how wonderful and genuine the people are in this community and the connections made even beyond photography.
June 4th, 2018
I'd just like to add my agreement to everyone's comments - supportive, sharing, educational, friendly - good luck to you Hazel with your presentation. We shall wait to see what the reaction is!! Lots of new faces here i bet!!
June 4th, 2018
When my mother was dying from cancer, it gave me something to talk about and show her my photos and she loved seeing the variety of things I had photographed. It was my saving grace to know that I had something to show her so that she didn't lose touch with the world. Also through 365, I have made friends with people all over the world as well as locally. The 365 community is so supportive and I can let off steam when everything at home becomes difficult. I have also learnt so much as I started with a point and shoot and didn't know how to attach the lens to my first DSLR. Viewing Exif Info also helped me to master settings on my camera. I can't thank Ross Scrivener enough for hosting this wonderful website.
June 4th, 2018
I think most people have covered the benefits so well above - and I'd like to reinforce their opinions. The overwhelming support from friends across the world is such a big standout - I feel like I know so many people, including you Hazel, yet we've never met! And also on that topic - it is so special to actually meet up with fellow 365ers when they travel through your area. What a great party we all could have if we all could actually meet up :)
June 4th, 2018
@gilbertwood oh wow denise wouldn't that be great?!
June 4th, 2018
Sure would be Care @pistache :)
June 7th, 2018
@quietpurplehaze Hi Hazel..I know I'm a bit belated in adding to this and so much as been said above but it also becomes relationships...I miss people when they disappear; we see families (sometimes), our comments become more personal, relationships are formed within the site. The always willingingness to help (ok...not such great grammar in that one), the gentle critiques, the ongoing encouragement. That and the wonder of turning on my computer and having this amazing gallery of images to gaze at with people of so many levels or expertise and so many different areas of interest...I guess that's about it for the moment! Thank you all.!
August 7th, 2018
Thank you everyone for your replies to my question 'What makes 365 such a supportive website?' I gave my talk and it went down well and your replies helped me in the preparation. It was good for me to revisit different aspects of 365 and remember why it is special to me. Apologies for the belated reply. Thank you!

@pistache @granagringa @gilbertwood @rosiekind @Cherrill @hrb73
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