fav fav from another 365er December 1-7

December 6th, 2020
I have not done one of these threads for a while, last time i did it just before the weekend and got no replies as it was quickly buried in the latest discussions list!


...Here is where we pick one or two.... or three.....of the photos we loved on 365 over the past couple of weeks or so , to give kudos to the photographers that inspire us every single day.And if you will, give a shoutout to a new person here to give them encouragement and exposure. .

To share your top favs, go to your favorites, open the photo , click the share arrow beneath said photo, click once in the embed link box so the words go blue, copy and paste that link in this discussion, below, and dont forget to include the @name of the photographer so they know you loved it.

You may find a new project to follow by looking at someone else's favorites !

i will share a few from my last two favs pages, it gets so hard to choose from all the loveliness

Wendy @exposure4u never disappoints

@haskar presented a beautiful abstract here

and Ryan's weather themed project @ryanjasonphotography is always interesting and the photos keep getting better and better

December 6th, 2020
@robz Her title sums it up nicely: otherworldly
December 6th, 2020
@wendyfrost the queen of elegant still life

@rjb71 he loves this church

@365anne takes wonderful landscapes

December 7th, 2020
from Julie @juliedduncan love the concept and color palette
December 7th, 2020
December 7th, 2020
Thank you very much Jackie a lovely surprise.You made my dayX
December 7th, 2020
@lmsa Thank you so much Louise for your wonderful mention. I really appreciate it and the fact that you liked the different format. You made my day! Kind regards Rob
December 7th, 2020
rather enjoyed this from jackie @jackies365, adding grain to an image, inspired by wendy @farmreporter's post. i'm going to have a go as well in these darker festive times and this cross-fertilisation of ideas is one of the many things i love about 365 :)

December 7th, 2020
This from @larrysphotos because it made me laugh out loud.
December 7th, 2020
@jackies365 Thank you kindly, Jackie! :)
December 8th, 2020
This one by Wendy @farmreporter for it's interesting effect
December 8th, 2020
@granagringa @jackies365 @pistache
Thank you, ladies for your kind comments, And yes, Clare, the cross-fertilization and experimentation is one of the best things found here with 365. It is a site that allows you to try new ideas knowing that you may fall flat on your face but no one will laugh (not too loudly, anyway!!)
December 8th, 2020
Captive by Maureen @maureenpp , so poignant...
December 8th, 2020
I liked this one by @ziggy77
December 8th, 2020
@photograndma Thank you for your mention. Lovely surprise.
December 8th, 2020
@caterina finds fascination in the world around her, even creating intrigue in what could have been an ordinary night scene. I mean, who leave their legs behind when shopping at night?

December 8th, 2020
@jyokota Junko! Thank you so much for your mention and for your sophisticated comment. You are a friend!
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