Way Behind.. Help!

July 26th, 2011
I'm like 15 days behind and I haven't taken pics.. Do I just take 15 until I catch up? HELP MEEEE!
July 26th, 2011
Its your project you can do whatever you like :D
July 26th, 2011
Like Lee (@asrai) said it's your project.. don't worry you can do here what ever you want!!! :-))))
July 26th, 2011
Agreed! Your Project, your rules. You can even have cookies for breakfast on 365 if you want to....okay, maybe not tell your mom I said that
July 26th, 2011
I just left them blank and will reach 365 a bit after I started. And if my year is 373 days than so be it.
July 26th, 2011
Agreed, and I even think ice cream is OK for breakfast too. :)
July 26th, 2011
It happens to me constantly. Do whatever you can to make your heart happy...but mostly don't stop taking photos!
July 26th, 2011
Do you have really worthy photos from before you started your project? Maybe this is their turn to shine. Then you can use what you see in those photos to improve the ones you are taking now.
July 26th, 2011
I just started again, from two months behind. Focus on today, the rest will work itself out!
July 26th, 2011
Or do the WWYD challenge so you can fill it in the blank dates. =)
July 26th, 2011
@amatalus Just start up again and reach 365 when you do at your own pace. Looking forward to seeing you photos again
July 26th, 2011
I do that, If i miss a day I will fill the stop. Maybe use older photos from before you started the project. Or take a few while walking around so they are different. Its all about having fun and learing anyway. But as everyone has said its what you want to do. My way maybe different to yours 8) good luck, dnt give up.
July 26th, 2011
@amatalus Im always running behind, its nothing to worry about. I just fill in as and when i can. I don't do a mass upload i just fill the gaps one at a time. Theres no rules to 365 only the rules you make. Life gets in the way and not everyone can post everyday. don't worry about it, do what you can, when you can xx
July 26th, 2011
Just don't give up!
July 26th, 2011
@amatalus Don't give up and don't put yourself under pressure to fill them in all at once. Keep them open and fill them in at your leisure. You might come up with two favorite photos one day and now you'll have a place to put the second one. Or, you can put some of your favorite photos in from previous years. When I signed up in Jan. I didn't realize that your 365 starts on the day you start. I thought it started on Jan. 1, so I put in some of my favorite shots from 2010 on the previous dates. That's the beauty of 365 you can really do what you want with it. So relax, no one's grading you on promptness and enjoy!
July 26th, 2011
@amatalus I agree with everyone else, dont worry, i missed all of March due to moving house, had no internet, no time to take pics, so I know I can fill with other pics if I choose to. I randomly miss days because life gets in the way and I do not always get a pic opportunity. I did beat myself up about it but now I don't. i look back at my 'diary' and just enjoy the pics I did get to take. ;)
July 26th, 2011
I missed a couple weeks a few months ago and just jumped right back in. sometimes if I miss taking a photo one day, I will do a filler, but I haven't gone back to fill all those missing dates. and it buggs me, lol
July 26th, 2011
Hi Amber, dont worry about it and like everyone said it is your project and you go at your own pace. When I went behind, I loaded 2 shots a day and was back up in no time, but have missed one here and there since, remember this is for FUN.
July 26th, 2011
I wanted to take pictures too but we are under a heat wave so going out has been too miserable plus work has me amped...I planned to never fall behind and am now actually approaching two weeks having not posted a photo at all...and to be honest the world did not end...the desire for photo taking is still there so I know when I can get back on the horse I will have a fresh creative perspective on photography and now feel sort of iberated that it is indeed my project and I can take a vacation from it guilt free
July 27th, 2011
@amatalus remember just 1 thing, we are here to enjoy and learn, nothing else matters...do what you like, when you can, and it will all be just fine....you have some nice pics, btw....:)
July 28th, 2011
All of it is up to you :) We who follow you look forward to anything you put up :D
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