Film Photography Challenge begins February 1

January 22nd, 2012
Greetings, all. Back on January 15, I posted a thread to see if there was any interest in a challenge to show and post images shot on film. The response was great!

With that said, if anyone wants else wants to join in our madcap world of old school, GET THAT FILM DEVELOPED, and start posting on Feb 1.


1.) Please, aren't there too many rules already?
2.) See Number 1

Requests to be "good sports"

1.) Tag your image "film-challenge2012"
2.) Please only posts images shot as of recent. While we all love our old photos, this is meant as a means to challenge some to perhaps avoid that little crutch on the back of a digital camera known as "the preview screen".
3.) Post an image each day, or when you want. You don't have to post one for each day.
4.) Use a film camera (I know, duh). It could be a disposable, Six-16, 620, 126, 110, 35mm, Pinhole, Med Format, Large Format...who cares. (I know that a lot of those have no film currently made anymore due to Mercury, etc., but ya never know)
5.) Pretend for one month that Apps, Post processing software, and all those crutches don't exist. Let's see what you have, good, bad, or ugly!
6.) It would be nice to know what kind of camera you used.
7.) Have fun!
8.) If you are in the Challenge, take the time to look at others work, the good, bad, and ugly, and comment. Provide tips that will help.

While this is not meant to be a Challenge for "Digi-Heads Anonymous" Members, please be prepared to say:

"I will refrain from Hipstamatic, Photoshop, and a delete button. I will take the time to look through a viewfinder. I will laugh at myself if I shoot an image with a film camera, and look at the back of the camera from habit. I will not be a slave to a Megapixel. I secretly love the aroma of the Developer, Fixer, and Stop Bath Cocktail. I will not say SOOC because film is always SOOC.

(I think my meds are off)

NO prizes. No voting. If you do it, you win. Why? Because you WILL likely learn something valuable that you can Teleport back over to Digi-land.

Begins: Feb 1. Ends Feb 28. (keep posting all the time, if ya really enjoy it. I won't stop ya!)

@snaggleture @hmgphotos @jasehoad @myla @sheg @soulfocus @rich57 @ariananeala @sdpace @rrt @beautifulthing @lalola616 @ukdanae @peterdegraaff @manek43509 @la_photographic @chewyteeth @dieter @kimgrowsup @eudora @lisjam1 @emsabh @soxfansara @icywarm @olivetreeann @noo @indriasari88 @grimbo @libbyrose @payyourrates @hamptanner
January 22nd, 2012
@cluvlj Thanks or the challenge! Looking forward to it!
January 22nd, 2012
Squee!! I'm SO ready. :)
January 22nd, 2012
I'm in :-)
January 22nd, 2012
@cluvlj I'm definitely in!
Just a little question, is it supposed to be one picture per day, so then once we get the film developped we add the pictures representing the day or are we supposed to add on a daily bases some shots that we did recently?
because if it's supposed to be like a ''normal'' 365project and post once picture for the one unique day it's gonna be complicated due to the fact you have to shot 36 pictures before developping your film.

I know, no rules, but i was just wondering about your system :)
January 22nd, 2012
Whoop, whoop
January 22nd, 2012
I'm so joining you! Can't wait!
January 22nd, 2012
@lalola616 My film shots are from the past few months. I will post 1 daily, but you dont have to. And, unless you have your own darkroom, 1 from that day would be a little tough. So, do your thing!
January 22nd, 2012
There's no way I can do a picture a day so I'll just be posting some of the best images that I take using my film cameras :-)
January 22nd, 2012
@cluvlj. I am currently using an IR film and it takes a couple of weeks to process and print so can I use any that come out as it will be February when I get them? Also do you have to use a whole film per day or every couple of days and post when they come back as if it is every day it will be very expensive?
January 22nd, 2012
Sounds like where is my 35 mm Minolta hiding out and where do they sell film?? LOL
January 22nd, 2012
@la_photographic Post what you have, when you have it. No rules! Have fun with the real cameras!
January 22nd, 2012
@nlaurie C'mon. I get film all the time!
January 22nd, 2012
Hey what's wrong with February 29th?

I wanna do it still. My digital broke so I ain't got no choice either.
January 23rd, 2012
@chewyteeth We call that that "a fortuitous blessing"!
January 23rd, 2012
I'm in!
January 23rd, 2012
I'm excited have ordered 10 rolls of film on eBay. 5 x 120 and 5 x 35mm and they are on way.
January 23rd, 2012
@cluvlj Thanks C & LJ. I'm planning to post at least one week's worth. I'm dusting out the SLR tomorrow and I've got the "unrules" posted by my desk! Love the DA pledge!
January 23rd, 2012
Oh great time frame! As soon as you posted this challenge and I agreed to it, my battery door fell off! Not sure how or why but it did. A replacment is on its way!
January 23rd, 2012
"I secretly love the aroma of the Developer, Fixer, and Stop Bath Cocktail."
LOL I am excited about this challenge. Cant wait.
January 23rd, 2012
@cluvlj Thanks for the info on the challenge. Looking forward to it! I showed my granddaughter one of my film cameras today, and she looked at it like it was a dinosaur..
January 23rd, 2012
@cluvlj This sounds so interesting. It has been so long since I used a film camera that it will be fun to pull it out
January 23rd, 2012
January 23rd, 2012
I'm excited, because I take a few of my camera's to Dubai for my holiday :D Hope the results will be good, or at least not blank haha :p
January 23rd, 2012
I like it I will do my best. The best part is no photoshop or other bogus medium,
just good old this is how I saw it photography.
January 23rd, 2012
@rrt I agree!
January 23rd, 2012
@rrt alright, alright, we can embrace the past without slandering the present, I happen to have a foot in both camps, bogus....thank you very much, photos done been tampered with since the dawn of time. @cluvlj

btw what y'all shooting with, name and shame. I'm gonna be using my Praktica BX20, Pentax MZ7, Lomo Smena 8m, Holga 120N, Olympus OM1 and maybe a Hanimex point and shoot. I'm in a funk at the moment though so will need to motivate myself for Feb 1st.
January 24th, 2012
@chewyteeth C'mon outta that funk, Dave!

I am shooting with a Pentax 645, Mamiya RB67, Pentax K1000, Nikon N90S, a handmade pinhole camera (if those come out) and a Kodak 620 Doublet Art Deco, and a Sekonic digital meter (uh oh) for the Mamiya and Kodak. I found that you can use 120 film for the 620 with 620 spools, which I got on Ebay.. Hoping it works. Will be my first roll with the 1930's camera.. It has just been a shelf collection display camera until now. Next, make the Kodak 2c and Target Six-16 Brownies work. I know of 2 ways. That will be a darkroom project.

When in doubt...
January 24th, 2012
@cluvlj still, can't get 126 anywhere in the UK so I sold my Kodak Instamatic for $3. The 120 will work fine, I'mm gonna modify my Holga 120 to take 35mm because the processing is expensive, but I've got 4 120 rolls to use first. I also aquired an enlarger, darkroom equipment, papers etc. but we'll see if there's time and energy.
January 24th, 2012
@chewyteeth I like your style. Interestign you say 120 costs more than 35. I guess per number of images, yes. Per roll, I pay less for 120 (obviously, 1/2 the number of images). Bigger negative/positive, sharper image.

I shoot about 80% E-6 process, 20% B&W Print. If I really wan tto save money, I should flip those numbers. I, too need an enlarger. Must look into that!
January 24th, 2012
120 film in the UK costs about £7 a roll, and about $13 to process a roll - $20!
35mm costs me next to nothing, maybe $1.50 and to develop to CD no prints costs me $4.
January 24th, 2012
@chewyteeth Wow!. For a roll of Velvia and Processing here, I pay a total of about $16 (32 GBP) . You're paying twice as much! Insane!
January 27th, 2012
@cluvj At the current exchange rate, $16 = just over £10 (10GBP)
@chewyteethWhere do you get your 35mm films processed?
I'll be using my Canon T90 with a Canon T50 as backup (hopefully).
January 27th, 2012
@armorel Yes, you're right. Why the heck did I put down 32gbp?
January 27th, 2012
I will be trying out some film camera I just got for this challenge and will be posting them in my other album when I eventually get them developed! I took this to mean shoot the photos in that's what I'm going to do. Now I just have to get used to how the AE-1 works, I've never shot Canon, only Nikon SLR's so this should be fun!
January 27th, 2012
@shadesofgrey I @shadesofgrey I used to sell so many AE-1's back in the day, I could't keep them on the shelf! You'd be amazed at how it "warms up to you".
January 31st, 2012
Oooh, can I play? Teacher is giving us our first B&W medium format assignment on Wednesday and I'll have my choice between 2 Hasselblads (dunno the model numbers) a Mamiya RB67, a Fuji GSW690 or a Holga 120N. I kinda want to try the Holga first but since I've never shot medium format before perhaps I'd be biting off more than I can chew haha.
February 1st, 2012
well me and @beautifulthing couldn't wait. i don't expect many people here will comment on our grainy unprocessed film photos, but I'm excited to see everyone's. Here's my first (I dont' plan to post them all here, just this one. :) )

February 1st, 2012
@cluvlj I just saw this part: "I will laugh at myself if I shoot an image with a film camera, and look at the back of the camera from habit." i actually did that when I was shooting yesterday :D
February 1st, 2012
oops, last note on this.....we have 29 days in feb this year!
February 1st, 2012
Woo day one of film! I think I'm gonna take one photo a day and then get them printed and mass upload at the end of the month :D What ISO have people chosen? I chose 400 cos thought seeing as it's February it's gonna be dull and rainy here in England lol, but once I inseterted the film the same came out and all I can see is blue skies!! What camera's are people using too? I'm using a Halina MW35AF - I recently purchased this camera which take 3 photos at once, but it hasn't arrived yet :(
February 1st, 2012
@timeweaver you dont learn if you don't try. I have a Mamiya B67, and it is VERY heavy. A Hasselblad? Oh yeah, go for it! You'll see your work improve, but it may not be "perfect" at first. If it was, then you don't need the class. And that's learning. Go for it!
February 1st, 2012
@libbyrose I shoot 50 and 100 max. But, I shot all outdoors with these thangs.
February 1st, 2012
@sdpace I hope you laughed at yourself!
February 1st, 2012
how do you guys post your film pics here -- do you get the images on a CD from the lab, or do you scan the prints themselves? the lab CD is such bad quality, but I don't really want all the prints during my learning/experimenting phase because half of them (or more) are just giant failures. what do you do, and what do you suggest?

@cluvlj @shadesofgrey @chewyteeth @beautifulthing @jasehoad
February 1st, 2012
@sdpace I just posed this question to @beautifulthing yesterday. :) I'm looking forward to everyone's responses, too.

Does anyone know how the lab gets the images on the CD? I'm guessing it's a scan of the negative, but I've completely just made that up in my head...I have no clue.
February 1st, 2012
@mabelkitty @sdpace My lab, which is out of my friendly local camera shoppe, scans from negatives. They have an online album feature, where I can "pick up" the images once they are ready. Really similar to Walgreens and similar other places, where you sign in with an account, etc. At my lab, the online uploads are the lowest quality, but they still end up being sufficient to me, CD ends up being higher res and I might switch to that at some point, but I like the instant gratification of getting them online. :)

IMO, I wouldn't order and/or scan prints, simply because your images are going to degrade scanning FROM prints. It's like a copy of a copy of a negative. I've done it in the past and I'm invariably disappointed.

In theory, if you had a scanner at home that would let you do so, you could have them just develop the film and you could scan the negatives yourself. I only have a flatbed scanner, which isn't what you need - but I'm hoping to upgrade soon to one that will scan both 35mm and 120 negatives.

You might ask the lab (Stacy, I know that CVS was full of fail on this) if there is an online option, or if they have options for higher-resolution CDs - these often go up in cost the higher they scan your images. I'm not sure if that is going to be an option at a Walgreens, etc. You might have to try another lab/store to get better results. I have taken film to Walgreens a time or two, and the images were of pretty good quality.

February 1st, 2012
@sdpace I'm just getting images onto CD at the moment, no prints for the reason you said. I'm quite happy with the quality, better than the first place I tried, but then again I don't know what to compare them to. I guess I can do something with the negatives at a later date should I want any printed? I don't really know how that works :)
February 1st, 2012
@sdpace Hmm. It looks like it could very well be workable! It doesn't have too bad reviews on Amazon, and they have several models:
February 1st, 2012
@shadesofgrey I am using the AE1 and I like it. My first SLR was an AE1 and I recently bought another one as my previous one was no longer usable - thanks to losing the rewinder.
February 1st, 2012
@sdpace I like your image - she is a lovely looking girl.
February 1st, 2012
@la_photographic thanks, Laura! Are you going to be posting your images for February??
February 1st, 2012
@sdpace Whenever I get them uploaded - I started today but have only used half the film so it will be tomorrow when it is finished and uploaded. At the weekends I will not be uploading any as well I need them processed.
February 1st, 2012
@sdpace I almost always shoot slides, so my instructions are "Do not mount, do not cut negatives, scan to disc. I have no use for 24 cent prints. I can do it much cheaper myself.
February 1st, 2012
@beautifulthing @sdpace @mabelkitty ALWAYS ask to have them scanned when developed. Otherwise, it costs more. A god lab has a scanner that none of us can afford. A GREAT lab Drum scans (Pricey).

There are scanners we can use for negatives, for about $200 on up. THey have a clear back, versus the white foam back. The tray to hold the negatives, or positives, only holds 35mm. Until I can find one that holds 120, I'm not in the market for it.

February 1st, 2012
@sdpace @beautifulthing I tried those little scanners once. Wasn't "thrilled", but for the money, they aint bad,
February 1st, 2012
@sdpace @la_photographic @beautifulthing @beautifulthing Oh, by the way, I am posting an image later I just shot today. The intrigue behind it is something you will definitely want to read, if you are a fan of Classic Rock and the great British guitarists of that era.
February 1st, 2012
@cluvlj i may just get one to check it out and have something better than these photo CD's. $50 isn't bad even if it kind of sucks...if it scans, it does the job.
February 1st, 2012
@sdpace @beautifulthing @jasehoad
I have them scanned to CD by Asda (wallmart) here in the U to the K. £2 per roll, 0.80 for the CD, easy. I am in the market for a neg scanner, but I wanted a second hand decent one rather than the one on the link you posted. Ebay here in the UK is flooded with those small ones, they're three times what it costs in your link though. By the end of the month I'll be developing my own black and white, I only need the chemicals, and I've got the enlarger to print!! All available cheap online.
February 1st, 2012
@chewyteeth Asda do it?????
February 1st, 2012
@jasehoad My ASDA does it, £2 a roll (36 exp), 80p a CD, so if you develop and scan 3 rolls to one CD its only £6.80. The size is not huge, check out all my film pics to see the actual size. but for me, experimenting, I don't mind. That price is for one hour processing also. Their equipment is all fujifilm and I think the colour and service is nice.
February 1st, 2012
@chewyteeth Hmmm, I need to ask when in there next then
February 2nd, 2012
Taken today (Feb 1) and developed today.

So far, since my 3 rolls have film have been tests in old cameras, I have gone the cheap route and had CVS develop and put them on a CD. If/when I get serious about film, I will use on of the recommended mail-in labs. I did order 10 rolls of 35 exposure film, so I will at least take 360 film photographs.
February 2nd, 2012
@hamptanner rock on! I mail or deliver about 20 rolls per year right now. I have 3 more ready to ship. Call Fotographic in Jax. They are over by Beach and Kernan. I used them for Canvas Printing, etc. They are great!
February 2nd, 2012
@cluvlj Dude, you are the man! Thanks for the info.
February 2nd, 2012
As I re-read my post above it looks like I was drunj when I wrote it. I actually ordered 36 exposure (35mm) film. There are a few other typos, which I will blame on a hard as hell spin class tonight.
February 2nd, 2012
@hamptanner You mean bedspins! (just kidding)
February 4th, 2012
@chewyteeth @beautifulthing Talk about a rude shock. I decided to pull my finger out and actually shoot some film, dug around in the deep freeze and discovered that I threw it out. Eh ma gawd! I what? Um, I'd kind of forgotten about that. I let a few people pick the eyes out of it already, but there was still all sorts of stuff in there: 120 and 35mm, positive, negative, b&w. All the crappy leftovers and all long expired, but still. Sheesh!
February 4th, 2012
Not only that, but I looked up the price list at the lab I used to use and it's a crapload cheaper than I remember to get it developed (funny how being a poor student can warp your perceptions). Sigh... Maybe I need to buy some more film? I'd do it, but I think my wife would kill me...
February 4th, 2012
@dieter I'm sorry, but my head esploded at the thought of you tossing FILM. I will reply more thoroughly once I mop up my brains. ;)
February 4th, 2012
@beautifulthing I was expecting an unfollow at the very least. I am considering unfollowing myself
February 4th, 2012
@beautifulthing @dieter
Freecycles been a let down just recently with film, although the cameras are still flowing, so I'm weighing up £18 for ten expired on eBay. Trashed film make me very sad. Film is becoming for me, a unit of measurement for fun.
February 4th, 2012
@beautifulthing Just the beginning. Next, world domination by film!
February 4th, 2012
@cluvlj Yes!!!
February 4th, 2012
@beautifulthing Woohoo @jasehoad !!!!!
February 4th, 2012
February 4th, 2012
@jasehoad @sdpace @beautifulthing @dieter @cluvlj

So the conservative right won't like this - its a whole lot of pictures of nekedness - but its a guy shooting 100 models as part of his midlife crisis (paraphrasing his about page) and he uses all sorts of different film formats and no digital. I just spent a while looking at the photos. Mainly because they were neked but they're also quite diverse pics. The main reason I posted here was because he is enjoying film for its characteristics, if you know what I mean, film for the sake of film. And second reason, neked women.
February 4th, 2012
@chewyteeth They're all ridiculously beautiful. Of course someone would want to take pictures of people like that. :)
February 4th, 2012
@chewyteeth @beautifulthing I like that too. Many different feels. One theme throughout, or a fetish perhaps, is the sunglasses.
January 31st, 2013
No Prize! I am in for sure...
January 31st, 2013
So i am trying to get over sticker shock I just spent $8.00 for a roll of Tri-x 24 exposures. Shh don't tell my kids but i am going to have to dig into the Fri night pizza bank to fund this project :)
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