@kali66 I was looking for night time and perspective city scenes and found Alex Holland, he was born in Yorkshire, UK, in 1982. After graduating in 2004 with an MSci in Physics from Imperial College London, he pursued his passion and embarked on a freelance career in photography. Since 2004 he has held many successful exhibitions, is regularly published internationally and has built up one of the most revered collections of contemporary London.
He is currently working on photographing European capitals, with London representing his finest collection spanning nine years work. To capture atmospheric images of well-known locations from an original and fresh perspective he often photographs between sunset and sunrise.
Tag your entries ac-Holland
The challenge will run from Saturday 25th January until Sunday 9th Feb, only photos taken during this period will be considered for voting the following week.
I hope this will be lots of fun, the challenge is open to everyone to have a go.
tagging those interested in artist challenges, if you want to be added to the list for future challenges reply to me below. and do same if you dont want to be on the list
Beautiful photos by Mr. Holland and definitely out of my comfort zone! Still. this would be a good learning experience--I've tried very few night shots or city-scapes.
@kali66@lesleyallen Don't the artist challenges usually run for two weeks? I find only 1 week being difficult to do research, capture images and edit. By the way, the best place I've found for a broad array of Alex Holland pics is directly on his http://www.alexfineart.com web site.
closing 2nd February! not January @mikegifford
Lesley if you feel there are not enough entries you can extend it , but make sure you make a new reminder thread to let everybody know or they may not see this.
Hmmm could be a problem this one. Would a shot of my local village be admissible? Not going into London in the near future! I might skip this one, but keep me on the list for the next one please.
@mikegifford@kali66@sioux I have extended it to the 9th Feb, I have a lot on at the moment so that date suits me better! No it doesn't have to be of London just in the style of Alex Holland.
tagging those interested in artist challenges, if you want to be added to the list for future challenges reply to me below. and do same if you dont want to be on the list
@adayinmallacoota @amyhughes @andrina @andycoleborn @angelamartel @aprilmilani @archaeofrog @asrai @barrowlane @bernicrumb @bluebell @bonnielark @boxplayer @brigette @cameraholic @cazink @cdonohoue @cgoose @channelf @cimes1 @colie @crewnelson @custodiabaptista @dextermurray @dh @dixon @dmdfday @dtigani @edie @edpartridge @egad @eevarita @francoise @frida @fueast @gamelee @gavincci @gigiz @giverny @gizzlysghost @gozoinklings @hjbenson @homeschoolmum@hopess13 @houdiniem @ingrid2101 @janim @jannkc @jankoos @jase_again @jayberg @jesperani @jo13 @joansmor @jocasta @jsw0109 @judithg @justaspark @jyakota @kaesebiscuit @kali66 @kcman5 @la_photographic @laynesgram @lesleyallen @lindag @lindseying @louuncouth @lstasel @lyno @m9f9l @mantha @mara19500 @mastermek @mercuria @mikegifford @mlulu191 @mummarazzii @mzzhope @nadaa @nancyperry @nicolecampbell @nookie72 @northy @olivetreeann @omabluebird @orangecrush @paulam @payalminhas @peterdegraaff @photohoot @psychographer @rachelwithey @rennes @rikshore @rockinrobyn @roseolivia @ryanarra2 @salza @sassik @sassyinma @seejillrun @semjaja @sianipops @silverlight @sioux @smapp @smevvy @so-lo-webb @soren @spanner @suebarni @summerbl4ck @summerfield @sunshinephoto5 @susale @swguevin @syncope @synke @taffy @tammeray @taz_o @tealgarciaphotography @thomasthoth @tigerdreamer @twistergirl @welcometocarolworld @wenbow @willowdragon @yaorenliu
Lesley if you feel there are not enough entries you can extend it , but make sure you make a new reminder thread to let everybody know or they may not see this.
Thanks Lesley.....I'm still trying to figure out how to fit this in and where to shoot. We'll see....
Kindly add me to the artist challenge list.
I am a newbie in this 365project and I want to learn more.
Thanks so much.